10 Handyman Skills You’ll Need During the Collapse
After society breaks down, you won’t be able to hire repairmen or buy replacements, so you’ll need some handyman skills.
After society breaks down, you won’t be able to hire repairmen or buy replacements, so you’ll need some handyman skills.
These pioneer skills were once second nature to our ancestors, promoting self-reliance and survival in various situations.
Teach your children essential survival skills using miniature models. Teach them how to build shelters, start fires, find water, and more.
There are many trees with ingredients for natural remedies. Here are 20 edible and medicinal trees and how to use them.
20 primitive skills we should all start learning highlights essential pioneer and survival skills that will help you survive any environment.
Camping is a great bonding experience, it’s an opportunity to teach your children survival skills that could save their lives someday.
If you have to bug out in an emergency, you can’t count on good weather. You may have to build a fire in the snow. Here’s how to do it.
These emergency skills will be very valuable during a disaster or a long-term grid-down scenario. Practice them while you still can.
A self-feeding fire is exactly that. A fire that manages to feed itself due to its construction and design. Here’s how to make one.
In a wilderness survival scenario, you’ll need to find some natural weapons for hunting or self defense. Here’s how.