39 Household Items You Should Put In Your Bug Out Bag
Maximize your bug out bag with household items. Find out which everyday items can be essential in survival situations.
Maximize your bug out bag with household items. Find out which everyday items can be essential in survival situations.
Slow cookers can be a game-changer for preppers. Don’t miss out on delicious, hassle-free crockpot recipes during survival situations.
Before you build a survival shelter or doomsday bunker, you need to check out the various underground bunker plans. There are many options.
Most people have forgotten all the vintage life hacks that our ancestors considered common knowledge. Here are 21 hacks you can try.
Want fresh eggs without the noise? These quiet chicken breeds won’t disturb your neighbors or violate city codes.
Harness the power of kudzu in a survival situation. Find out how this vine can provide essential resources when you need them most.
Another Great Depression is coming, which is why now is the time to practice basic life skills that will get you through hard times.
Discover the healing power of Usnea, a medicinal lichen. Learn what it looks like, what it’s good for, and how to use it.
Say goodbye to pests with safe and natural pest control methods. Protect your home and garden from damage and disease.
New to prepping? Start with these disaster essentials: food, water, shelter, tools, first aid, and more. Stay prepared for any situation.