30 Auto Repair Parts, Tools, and Skills You’ll Need After SHTF
After the SHTF, you need to have a working vehicle along with the skills and parts to fix your vehicle. Here’s an intro to auto repair.
After the SHTF, you need to have a working vehicle along with the skills and parts to fix your vehicle. Here’s an intro to auto repair.
Learn how to safely bury emergency food in your backyard so you’ll have a secret food cache in case you ever need one.
Here, we examine doomsday scenarios and what it would take to survive doomsday. If you’re a beginner at prepping, this article is for you.
Here are some innovative ways to improvise and harvest rainwater. These methods are sustainable, eco-friendly, and cost-effective.
Discover the Haybox: the world’s first crockpot! Learn how this ingenious off-grid slow-cooker cooks food over hours using retained heat.
Master the skill of building a natural shelter. In this post, we explore different types of survival shelters and when to build them.
This is a simple system for building a one-month food supply. Simply create a 10-day menu for each meal, them multiply the ingredients by 3.
Discover the world of unleavened breads and learn how to make bread without yeast. Explore recipes for Matzoh, Na’an, Pita, and more.
Explore the ancient practice of making aspirin from willow bark. Discover the natural pain-relieving properties of salicin.
Dutch ovens can be used to cook practically anything—if you know how. In this guide, we’ll teach you the basics of Dutch oven cooking.