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    How To Prepare For The Next Round Of Lockdowns

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    How To Prepare For The Next Round Of Lockdowns

    I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a year that no one saw coming. While we live in multiple states with different laws and guidelines, we've all been somewhat affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Your state may be open while the one next door is closed.

    It is times like this that many of us preppers have been preparing for. We want to be less reliant on society and more reliant on ourselves and our land. While many of us have adequate supplies on hand, there are always things to double-check.

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    Here are some things to stock up on when preparing for the next round of lockdowns.


    It is crucial to stock up on clean water sources just in case things get bad. Filling up clean containers of water now can help prolong survival in an emergency situation. Keeping water purifiers on hand can also help you ensure that gathered water is safe to drink.

    Generator and Fuel

    If you can find a generator, it would be a great way to prepare for the next round of lockdowns. Generators can easily provide power to those areas of your home that you’ll need most, like appliances and heat. If you don't have a generator, another option is a wood stove and firewood, especially in the winter.

    Candles and Lamps

    While some of us live entirely off the grid, many homesteaders are still connected to their local electric service. Stocking up on your own sources of light, whether candles or kerosene lanterns, will be very important if the grid goes down.

    Stock up on different kinds of candles, from large jar candles to tealights (and don’t forget the matches)! One single candle can put off an amazing amount of light when you need it most. A kerosene lantern can also provide a lot of light in a room, and the kerosene itself lasts quite a long time.

    Social Distancing Signs In Grocery Store


    If your homestead has a fireplace, it is a good idea to stock up on firewood just in case. Seasoned firewood is best to use, and stocking up on a few cords of it can help ensure that your home is nice and toasty, especially going into the upcoming winter season. And here are a few other options in case you run out of firewood.

    Canned Goods

    Stocking your pantry with shelf-stable items is another way to make sure your family is well fed during the next round of lockdowns. While grocery stores are deemed essential and aren't like to close, it's important to stock up on extra groceries in case of shortages.

    Choose items that your family eats typically like canned fruit, vegetables, and beans. Boxes of pasta, sauces, and oils are also good to have in the pantry. If you really want a deep dive into this topic, check out our beginner's guide to emergency food storage.


    Anyone in your household who takes prescription medications should have some on hand in case of a lockdown. While pharmacies were deemed essential before, you never know if your local pharmacy will be unavailable due to an outbreak. Make sure that your medications are in stock and not expired should you need them.

    Medical Supplies

    Many homesteads are located far away from a local source of medical aid. Some of us live miles from the nearest fire station or ambulance service. Stocking up on medical supplies can help keep both the people in your home safe as well as your animals. First aid kits are essential and basic medical supplies to tend to a wound if needed.

    Thermometer and Oximeter

    The COVID-19 pandemic is a respiratory virus that can seriously limit the amount of oxygen in the blood. To help keep your family safe, it is essential to have a few thermometers on hand as well as a fingertip oximeter.

    This useful tool shows the oxygen level in just a few seconds and can significantly help you determine if an affected person should go to the hospital.

    Cleaning Supplies

    Keeping your home clean during the pandemic is an integral part of our lives that we have all improved over the past few months. Make sure to have plenty of bleach, peroxide, and cleaning products that will kill viruses or germs on surfaces within your home.

    Animal Feed

    This one is for the homesteaders. During the first round of lockdowns, many homesteaders were already prepared for themselves but not for their animals.

    Make that you have enough animal feed on hand in case your supplier has to shut down. Storing animal feed in plastic or metal containers on the homestead can help keep the feed dry and safe from rodents.

    Toilet Paper

    We all know this item has been flying off the shelves. However, toilet paper isn’t really a need in a real survival situation as it is a luxury. Remember, plenty of people lived without toilet paper for centuries.

    Still, toilet paper is a comfort that many of us don’t want to go without in our current culture. Stocking up on toilet paper is helpful, but please gather it from different stores so that you don’t take it all from one location. And if you do run out, there are other alternatives.

    Project Supplies

    When you're a prepper or a homesteader, there is always something that needs to be updated, moved, or fixed. When preparing for the next round of lockdowns, it is smart to have some supplies ready in case you find yourself stuck at home for two weeks or more.

    Gathering nails, bolts, wood, and other supplies that you’ll need for that long honey-do list can help pass the time (and save your sanity) when on lockdown.

    If you live in a frigid winter climate, it is vital to stock up on indoor things to do. Puzzles, board games, and books are all things that can occupy your time as you wait out the pandemic. Visit the craft store to pick up a new hobby like crochet, knitting, sewing, or ceramics.

    Final Thoughts

    There are plenty of items to stock up on in preparation for the next round of lockdowns. While many of us now have these items on hand, it is important to double-check your home to ensure that you're prepared for this upcoming wave of the COVID-19 virus.

    If everything is closed, make the best of your situation and get some of those projects done that you’ve been putting off!

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