21 Brilliant Uses for Bacon Grease
If you don’t want to just pour bacon grease down the drain or toss it in the trash, here are some ways you can use bacon grease around the home.
If you don’t want to just pour bacon grease down the drain or toss it in the trash, here are some ways you can use bacon grease around the home.
Rubbing alcohol is a common ingredient in hand sanitizers, paint thinner, and household cleaners, but it can also be useful in a survival scenario. #urbansurvivalsite #survivaltips #survivalhacks #rubbingalcohol #prepper
When a disaster strikes, you may be in a place where supplies are not accessible. Here is a list of ordinary items that could save your life. #urbansurvivalsite #survival #survivalhacks #householditems #upcycling
There are ten steps you must take to prepare for and survive a nuclear disaster. Contrary to popular belief, nuclear war survival is possible.
Bowhunting is a skill worth learning if you are preparing for a survival situation, and the most likely animals you’ll find are small game. #urbansurvivalsite #hunting #smallgame #bows #bowhunting
EMP detonation isn’t the only thing that can cause the lights to go out. We’ll take a look at how to tell the difference between a power outage and an EMP. #urbansurvivalsite #emp #poweroutage #disasterpreparedness #prepper
When the SHTF, time will be of the essence. If you and your family are going to survive, there are some things you’ll need to do right away. #urbansurvivalsite #shtf #preppers #prepping #disaster
In this video, Sensible Prepper goes over 25 survival uses for leather belts. In many scenarios, a leather belt could actually save your life. #urbansurvivalsite #survivaltips #survivalskills #belts #upcycle
Have you ever thought about what you will do if the SHTF and friends and/or family start knocking at your door, asking for help? Here’s what to do. #urbansurvivalsite #shtf #preppers #preppersurvival #emergency
Our forebears survived heat waves without air conditioning, and so can we. Here are 11 ways people kept their houses cool before AC. #urbansurvivalsite #summer #airconditioning #frugality #offgrid