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    101 Bug Out Bag Items You Might Have Forgotten

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    101 Bug Out Bag Items You Might Have Forgotten

    I want to start off by saying that I do NOT expect you to fit all 101 of these survival items into your bug out bag. That's impossible. Even if you could get it all into one bag, it would be too heavy. Ideally, your bug out bag should weigh about 15% of your body weight if you're in good shape, and 20% of your body weight if you're in great shape.

    Rather, the purpose of this list is to remind you of items that you would have put in your bug out bag, if only you had thought of them. For example, someone might peruse this list and think, “A sillcock key? What a great idea! Why didn't I think of that?”

    Every bug out bag is unique depending on your skills, your region, your preferences, who will be with you, and so forth. This is why you should periodically go over the contents of your bug out bag and make any necessary adjustments.

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    To that end, check out this list of 101 bug out bag items you may have forgotten. (The list is in alphabetical order.)

    1. Activated Charcoal – It's usually used for treating gas, but it can also be used to treat poisoning. It works by trapping chemicals and keeping them from being absorbed into your body.

    2. Baby Powder – This isn't just for treating diaper rashes. Baby powder can also be used as deodorant, to soothe dry skin, and to prevent chafing.

    3. Baby Wipes – These are an easy way to maintain hygiene in situations where water is scarce. They can be used for cleaning hands, faces, and other body parts quickly and effectively.

    4. Backpack Rain Cover – This helps you keep your bug out bag and its contents dry even if it's pouring down rain.

    5. Bandanas – You wouldn't think so, but bandanas have dozens of uses, and every prepper should consider carrying one.

    6. Battery Adapters – Imagine needing a C battery for something but only having AA batteries. Battery adapters solve this problem.

    7. Benadryl – If you're outdoors and on foot, allergies could become a major problem. Benadryl will make your life much better.

    8. Binoculars – The importance of these should be obvious. If you can get to some high ground, you can look around and figure out which way you need to go.

    9. Bouillon Cubes – Just add one cube per cup of water and boil it, then use the resulting broth to make soup.

    10. Can Opener – If you have any canned food in your bag, then for God's sake, don't forget to bring a can opener.

    11. CAT Tourniquet – If someone is bleeding so badly that gauze and pressure aren't enough stop it, then this tourniquet could save their life.

    12. Celox Blood Clotting Powder – This stuff is great. It will stop small, penetrating wounds from bleeding. Just pour it on wounds, apply some gauze, and maintain pressure until the bleeding stops.

    13. Chalk – This could be used to leave messages for others, draw a map and strategize, or just to entertain the children.

    14. ChapStick – Use this stuff to prevent blisters, help start fires, moisten chapped skin, lubricate your gear, stop small cuts from bleeding, and much more.

    15. Cigarettes – Believe it or not, there are several reasons a pack of cigarettes could come in handy. They make great tinder, or you could just barter with them.

    16. Clothesline and Pins – Even if you take a lot of clothes with you, you'll still have to wash and dry them at some point. A clothesline makes that a lot easier.

    17. Clotrimazole Cream – Some rashes can get so bad that you're unable to walk. This cream will clear them right up.

    18. Collapsible Bowl – This is a sturdy bowl that takes up very little space. This way you'll have something to eat from, or you can use it to collect water, foraged food, tinder, etc.

    19. Collapsible Canvas Bucket – A bucket for hauling water or supplies, but since it's collapsible, it won't take up much space in your bag.

    20. Compact Survival Fishing Kit – If you pass any lakes or rivers on your journey, try to catch some fish so you don't go through your packed food as quickly.

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    21. Dental First Aid Kit – Tooth pain can be excruciating, believe me, but a temporary filling can help relieve the pain until you can get to a dentist.

    22. Dental Floss – Flossing is the most important thing you can do to keep your teeth clean, but it also has many other uses.

    23. Dice – These come with rules for seven dice games. It could be a fun way to pass the time.

    24. Duct Tape – There's a reason MacGyver liked duct tape so much. It has all sorts of surprising uses, from fixing a torn tent to creating a splint for broken limbs.

    25. Ear Muffs – Frostbite on your ears will make you miserable. Don't let that happen.

    26. Ear Plugs and Mask – As long as somebody is keeping watch, a mask and earplugs could make it easier for other people to sleep.

    27. Electrolyte Replacement – These tablets help replace the electrolytes you'll lose while walking all day, helping you stay hydrated a lot longer.

    28. EpiPen – These are used in emergencies to treat severe allergic reactions. Ask your doctor to prescribe one.

    29. Faraday Shield – This will protect your electronics in case of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse). If you're carrying a phone or radio, but it inside your Faraday shield.

    30. File – This tool is essential not only for sharpening knives but also for maintaining or repairing gear. Its ability to shape metal, wood, or plastic makes it invaluable in a survival kit.

    31. Flash Drive – Scan all your important books, pictures, documents, forms of identification, and so forth on this key chain flash drive. Make sure it's encrypted so no one can steal your information.

    32. Fly Swatter – Of course, you can't kill every fly, but maybe you can kill enough of them to get through a meal without them landing on your food.

    33. Frisbee – Often seen merely as a toy, a Frisbee can serve multiple survival purposes, such as a makeshift plate or a base for a solar still to collect drinkable water.

    34. Gill Net – An easy way to catch fish. Just set it up on a small stream and collect your lunch.

    35. Glow Sticks – You can use these to mark things in and around your camp so you're not fumbling around in the dark.

    36. Goggles – These are useful if you have to swim, and they'll also protect your eyes from sand and debris during a storm.

    37. Gorilla Tape – Weather-resistant tape that sticks to almost any surface. Useful for quick repairs when you're on the move.

    38. Gum – I always have a pack of gum on me. And if you also have an AA battery, you can use that and the gum wrapper to start a fire.

    39. Ham Radio – Great way to communicate over long distances, but you'll need a license. You'll also need a repeater directory.

    40. Head Lamp – If you're carrying several items, something large, or perhaps a small child, this will help see where you're going at night.

    41. Heirlom Seeds – If you end up staying at your bug out location or somewhere else for a long time, you'll need heirloom seeds if you want to start a garden.

    42. Hoyle's Rules of Games – If you pack a deck of cards, make sure you also pack this book. You'll literally never run out of games to play.

    43. Hydrogen Peroxide – Pack a small bottle so you can prevent infections in cuts and scrapes. Hydrogen peroxide has many other uses as well.

    44. Instant Coffee – If you're a caffeine addict, be sure to pack some instant coffee so you can avoid caffeine headaches. Or at least bring some caffeine pills.

    45. Kindle Paperwhite – Get one of these and load it with free ebooks so you can look up important information in the sunlight or in the dark. The battery lasts for weeks.

    46. Laces – Don't forget to bring extra laces for your shoes and boots.

    47. LifeStraw – Drink water directly from the source. This awesome invention filters up to 260 gallons of water.

    48. Liquid Bandage – An invisible, flexible, waterproof, antiseptic bandage to prevent infections.

    49. Lockpick Set – Although I don't condone theft, it your life depends on finding some supplies, then it might be okay to break into an abandoned home or building so you can search it.

    50. Microfiber Towel – An absorbent towel that dries things very quickly. Very convenient for cleaning up.

    51. Moleskin – Protect calluses, blisters, and sore spots from painful friction you feel after walking all day.

    52. N95 Masks – Filter out dust, smoke, ash, and other small particles. Could be useful during an urban disaster when the air is filled with contaminants.

    53. Neck Gaiter – This keeps you warm in the winter and keeps sand out of your face.

    54. Pantyhose – These have all sorts of surprising uses, from building shelters to hunting animals and more.

    55. Paper Clips – There are at least a couple dozen survival uses for paper clips, and they weigh practically nothing.

    56. Pen or Pencil and Pad of Paper – I recommend this tactical pen, which can also be used for self-defense, and these waterproof notebooks.

    City Ruins After Disaster

    57. Pencil Sharpener – In addition to sharpening pencils, these can be used for making arrows, gigs, tinder, etc.

    58. Penny Can Stove and Denatured Alcohol – A small, lightweight stove that gets very hot and is very efficient.

    59. Pepper Spray – For self-defense against both human and animal attacks. Keep it clipped to your belt for easy access.

    60. Pictures of Family and Friends – This is important in case you get separated. People you encounter might be able to help you find your family and friends again.

    61. Pipe Cutter – This can cut through aluminum, copper, brass, plastic, and more. With it you can make tools, utensils, weapons, etc.

    62. Pocket Chain Saw – This takes up very little space but can cut through thick branches.

    63. Poncho Liner Blanket – A weather-resistant blanket that can also be used for building a shelter.

    64. Potassium Permanganate – Useful for starting fire, cleaning wounds, purifying water, and more.

    65. Power Inverter – Even if you're bugging out on foot, maybe you'll come across an abandoned vehicle and be able to use this. It turns a cigarette lighter into an outlet and USB charger.

    66. Ranger Bands – Use these to secure belts, cables, cords, hoses, lines, straps, etc.

    67. Rubbing Alcohol – This is an essential part of any first aid kit. Use it to prevent wounds from being infected.

    68. Sawyer Mini – A small water filtration system that can filter up to 100,000 gallons of water.

    69. Scream Whistle – This emergency whistle gets incredibly loud and works in any conditions. Get one with a lanyard so you can use it quickly.

    70. Sea Salt – Mainly for seasoning food, but it has many other uses.

    71. Seasoning Kit – Great thing to have if you're hunting and foraging. Also bring some cayenne pepper as it has several health benefits and can keep pests away.

    72. Sewing Kit – If it's the end of the world as we know it and you've bugged out to a remote location far away from any stores, you'll have to fix damaged clothes.

    73. Sharpening Kit – This one is pretty self-explanatory. It keep knives nice and sharp, which is important if you use knives a lot.

    74. Shewee – This makes it so women can urinate while standing. Sounds strange, but it's a great thing to have if it's freezing cold outside.

    75. Sillcock Key – Great urban survival tool. This allows you to take water from buildings with outside spigots.

    76. Siphon – Use this to refuel your vehicle with gas from abandoned vehicles (just make sure there's no one inside the vehicle).

    77. Skin Stapler – This is a wonderful tool to have in a medical emergency.

    78. Slingshot – With a slingshot, you can hunt birds and small game without wasting ammo.

    79. Solar Air Lantern – Hang this on the outside of your bag so it can charge up all day, then at night, inflate it and turn it on for a surprisingly bright light.

    80. Solar Charging Kit – Charge your devices and batteries whenever the sun is out. You can attach this to the outside of your bug out bag so it works even while you're walking.

    81. Solar Shower – Fill this with water, hang it in direct sunlight, wait for the water to heat up, and enjoy a nice warm shower.

    82. Spare Glasses and/or Eyeglass Repair Kit – The last thing you want is to be half-blind in a survival scenario. Make sure you're able to see.

    83. Spork – This is so you don't have to pack both spoons and forks. Get one made of titanium. It will last a very long time.

    84. Stanley Wonderbar – Not just for prying open doors. This is a very versatile tool.

    85. Sterno Stove and Fuel – A very easy and efficient way to cook food and generate some heat.

    86. SunglassesBugging out means you're going to be outside and in direct sunlight a lot. Plus, sunglasses will protect our eyes from dirt and sand in a storm.

    Father and Son Hiking

    87. Superglue – This could be used for repairing gear, tools, water bottles, and even wounds.

    88. Tin Foil – This can be used for fishing, cooking food, making repairs, and much more.

    89. Toilet Paper Tablets – These tiny tablets can be expanded and used as toilet paper, so you don't have to worry about a toilet paper roll taking up too much space in your bug out bag.

    90. Toys – If you're bugging out with children, the experience could be very difficult for them. Be sure to bring some toys to keep them entertained and help them maintain some semblance of normalcy.

    91. Trail Marking Tape – Use this to find your way back in case you get lost. It will help others find you.

    92. Trash Bags – In addition to collecting garbage, trash bags can be used for waterproofing, as a makeshift poncho, or even as a temporary sleeping bag when stuffed with leaves and other vegetation.

    93. Trick Candles – Since these candles refuse to go out, they're great for building a fire in windy conditions.

    94. Trowel – Use this to dig a cat hole, level your shelter floor, dig up roots, etc.

    95. Umbrella – Being wet isn't very fun, especially if it's cold and you're walking.

    96. UV Water Purifier Pen – This compact device uses UV light to sterilize water, killing 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. It's a quick and easy way to purify water (just be sure to filter the water through a shirt or coffee filter first).

    97. Vaseline – Although it's mainly for moisturizing skin, it has many other interesting uses.

    98. WD-40 – Most people just use it for squeaky doors, but there are literally hundreds of other uses.

    99. Weather Blanket – A durable all-weather blanket that holds in up to 80% of body heat.

    100. Work Gloves – Wear these so you don't cut your hands while building, carrying, digging, and doing other types of manual labor.

    101. Zip Ties – Yet another small item with multiple uses. Even just a few of them could be very useful.

    What are some other bug out bag items that people tend to overlook? Let us know!

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