How to Make a DIY Water Filter (With Pics)
In survival situations, knowing how to filter water is crucial. Learn to create a DIY water filter using a bottle and some natural materials.
In survival situations, knowing how to filter water is crucial. Learn to create a DIY water filter using a bottle and some natural materials.
Acorn is probably one of the most overlooked survival foods. Here is how to select them, prepare them for consumption, and use them in recipes.
Learn how to safely bury emergency food in your backyard so you’ll have a secret food cache in case you ever need one.
Your local grocery store is filled with emergency foods, but which ones should you get? Let’s take a look at the best survival foods.
Want fresh eggs without the noise? These quiet chicken breeds won’t disturb your neighbors or violate city codes.
Prepare a delicious meal in minutes with these home-canned soups. Here are over 50 soup canning recipes for all your comfort food cravings.
If you’re new to emergency food storage, you need to read this. It explains what foods to store, where to store them, and how to store them.
Discover the centuries-old tradition of pickled eggs. Learn to make your own delicious and tangy pickled eggs with vinegar, sugar, and salt.
Here are some innovative ways to improvise and harvest rainwater. These methods are sustainable, eco-friendly, and cost-effective.
Discover the Haybox: the world’s first crockpot! Learn how this ingenious off-grid slow-cooker cooks food over hours using retained heat.