13 Elderberry Recipes to Boost Your Immune System
Let’s look at the elderberry, its health benefits, and some tasty, immune-boosting elderberry recipes you can make at home.
Let’s look at the elderberry, its health benefits, and some tasty, immune-boosting elderberry recipes you can make at home.
The second wave of the Spanish Flu was more deadly than the first. We can surmise that the second wave of the coronavirus will be deadlier than the first.
It is possible to get sick after touching a product you brought home from the grocery store. Here’s how to disinfect your groceries.
In addition to helping lessen the spread of this highly contagious disease, survival hygiene can help us in other emergency situations as well.
In this article, I’m going to explain why I believe COVID-19 is far more dangerous than the flu and why I think it will kill thousands of people.
A pandemic is a disease outbreak that spreads to at least 3 countries and affects a significant proportion of the population. It’s only a matter of time. #urbansurvivalsite #pandemic #disease #preparedness #shtf
You can take care of many ailments by stocking ingredients in an herbal medicine chest. Use them to make healing salves, poultices, and oils.
If you could only grow one food as part of your emergency preps, which one would it be? If you ask me, it would most assuredly be this.
After a major disaster, the convenience of bathrooms and toilets will become a fond memory. That’s why you need to build your own DIY emergency toilet.
While dealing with illness in a survival scenario requires a detailed, multi-faceted approach, being able to set up a medical quarantine room is an important first step.