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Survivalism isn't just about gathering supplies. It's also about making use of everything around you–or on you–in a survival scenario. As you'll see in this video by Sensible Prepper, even a simple T-shirt has at least a couple dozen survival applications.
Here's the list, but I recommend watching the video below so you can see how each usage is done.
- Cover your head.
- Protect Your neck.
- Cool your neck.
- Make a cushion.
- Make a pillow.
- Make tinder.
- Make char cloth.
- Carry sticks.
- As a mask.
- As a pot holder.
- Clean your pots.
- Clean your hands.
- Clean your gear.
- As a bandage.
- Make a splint.
- As a tourniquet.
- Filter water.
- Signal for help.
- Mark a trail.
- Make a bag.
- Tie gear to bags.
- Clean firearms.
- Build a shelter.
- Make a torch.
- Blend in.