18 Most Overlooked Medical Supplies
There are certain medical supplies that are often overlooked. Check this list of first aid items and make sure you have them on hand.
There are certain medical supplies that are often overlooked. Check this list of first aid items and make sure you have them on hand.
When people panic, certain supplies disappear from the shelves. Here are some medical supplies to get before it’s too late.
In this video, The Urban Prepper goes over his list of the top 10 immune system boosters in the form of supplements that are easy to find (for now).
Disclaimer: There is no known cure or vaccine for COVID-19. The information below is suggestions based on data from the CDC. Please call your doctor if you believe you’ve contracted coronavirus. I know most people don’t want to hear this, but you’re likely to get the coronavirus. That’s according to Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard. He believes roughly half the global population will get COVID-19 within the next year. The United States Congress Physician estimates that anywhere from 70 to 150 million Americans will eventually be infected. Unfortunately, it seems like most people are still in denial. … Read More
It’s the basic law of supply and demand. When demand for medical supplies is high, the supply runs how.
You can take care of many ailments by stocking ingredients in an herbal medicine chest. Use them to make healing salves, poultices, and oils.
While dealing with illness in a survival scenario requires a detailed, multi-faceted approach, being able to set up a medical quarantine room is an important first step.
If you could only choose 20 first aid supplies, which would they be? In this video, Serious Survivor makes some great suggestions. #urbansurvivalsite #firstaid #firstaidkit #firstaidsupplies #survival
A comprehensive guide to assembling a total first aid kit. Here’s everything you need for a medical emergency. #urbansurvivalsite #firstaid #firstaidkit #medicalsupplies #emergencysurvival
There are ways you can deal with everything from a small cut to a medical emergency with everyday items you can use for first aid.