How to Build a Budget Medical Kit
Building a medical kit doesn’t have to be that expensive. If you’re smart, you can get all the basics for less than $100.
Building a medical kit doesn’t have to be that expensive. If you’re smart, you can get all the basics for less than $100.
All preppers have a nice stash of first aid supplies, but they often forget about the little things that can make dealing with an injury a lot easier.
In most disasters, whether it’s a hurricane, a terrorist attack, or a city full of looters, people get hurt. Survival first aid is essential in these situations, but very hard to come by due to overcrowded hospitals. After food, water and shelter, medical supplies and a good book on first aid should be your next priority. Fortunately, it isn’t very expensive to assemble your own first aid kit. Consider all the most likely disaster scenarios, how many people will be with you, their health, and what types of medical emergencies might occur. Now examine the list below and make adjustments … Read More