Preparedness 101: The Ultimate Survival Checklist
This is the ultimate beginner’s guide to preparedness for natural and manmade disasters covering virtually every survival-related topic.
This is the ultimate beginner’s guide to preparedness for natural and manmade disasters covering virtually every survival-related topic.
If you want to make sure you are covering the basics so your kids will grow to be as preppers, there are some steps you can take. Here are 15.
I created a plan that would ensure I was prepared for almost anything in just two weeks. If you want, you can stretch out this plan. #urbansurvivalsite #preparedness #prepping #prepper #survival
Prepper and survivalist are not synonymous terms. The skill level and focus of each makes them mutually exclusive terms. Which one are you? #urbansurvivalsite #prepper #survivalist #prepping #survival
And as a prepper parent, there’s a whole host of skills and values I want to teach my children in addition to the standard stuff that kids should learn. #urbansurvivalsite #preppers #children #prepared #kids
This short guide will go over some essential items you’ll need to have, no matter what type of disaster strikes. #urbansurvivalsite #disaster #survivalsupplies #survivalgear #prepared
What do you think is the biggest lie that new preppers are told? That is the topic of this video by Survival Know How. #urbansurvivalsite #preppers #preppersurvival #beginners #survivaltips
Teaching survival skills through hands-on games and activities will not only make the experience more fun for your family, it will also help your kids remember key information. #urbansurvivalsite #prepping #children #preparedness #family
Society has become completely reliant on electricity. To survive a blackout, you must think back to what our forefathers did.
The more hidden dangers you uncover and prepare for, the less likely it is that your survival plan will be derailed. #urbansurvivalsite #survival #survivalskills #emergencyplan #plans