7 Things You’ll Realize After Living Without Electricity
Society has become completely reliant on electricity. To survive a blackout, you must think back to what our forefathers did.
Society has become completely reliant on electricity. To survive a blackout, you must think back to what our forefathers did.
The more hidden dangers you uncover and prepare for, the less likely it is that your survival plan will be derailed. #urbansurvivalsite #survival #survivalskills #emergencyplan #plans
There are a few million preppers who are suffering through rough patches. They’re lonely, or tired, or uninspired. Maybe you’re one of them. #urbansurvivalsite #prepper #prepping #preparedness #prepare
We can’t be with our kids at all times, and there’s always the chance they’ll get lost. If that happened, would your kids know what to do if they were on their own in a survival situation?
Unless you’re made of money, budget prepping is very important if you don’t want to end up broke. Fortunately, there are many ways to prep for free.
For a $1,000 a year, you can have a bug out location that is built to withstand doomsday, loaded with supplies, and populated by dozens of survival experts. #urbansurvivalsite #survival #offgrid #prepared #offgridliving
With the abundance of bad information out there, it’s easy for new preppers to make mistakes. I’ve made many mistakes myself and I’m sure I’ll make more, but that’s part of the learning process. To help you speed up this process, here are some common prepping mistakes you’ll want to avoid.
The world of prepping, survivalism, and homesteading is basically one huge subculture. And as with every subculture, it has its own terms, acronyms, and concepts that the rest of society isn’t familiar with.
What if doomsday never arrives? Would that mean all our preparedness efforts were a waste of time? Hell no! Here are 15 reasons why.
Everyone–and I mean everyone–makes mistakes. This is especially when it comes to prepping, which is a lot more complicated than it looks.