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    What Will You Do If The Sewage System Is Down?

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    Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

    What Will You Do If The Sewage System Is Down?

    One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of preparedness is the question of what to do with excrement after the SHTF. Disaster movies often show people starving to death or killing each other, but one of the most common ways people die during disasters is from diseases like cholera due to a lack of sanitation.

    If the next crisis is so serious that the sewage treatment plant is no longer operating and the sewers begin to back up, you'll have to find another place to do your business. Even if you have a septic system, you'll still have a problem if the water isn't running. Unless you have an unlimited supply of water you can use to flush your toilets, you'll need to find another way to deal with waste.

    Of course, you can always go number one outside (assuming it isn't freezing and you aren't stuck in a building), but you should be cautious about going number two outside. Even if you bury your waste in catholes, it won't be long before you start running out of places to bury it, and having that much waste buried in your yard is very unsanitary, anyway.

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    In this video, City Prepping explains how to dispose of waste during a disasters. He covers the following:

    • Considerations in an urban environment.
    • Sanitation and disasese.
    • Existing options for waste disposal.
    • How to build your own disaster toilet for cheap.
    • How to properly use your disaster toilet.
    • Other options on the market.

    Wach the video below to learn more.

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