Estimated reading time: 22 minutes
Anyone trying to assemble a long-term food storage pantry has to deal with some very common challenges. These include considerations related to shelf-life, quantities, variety, nutrition and price. But for some, there’s an added challenge. It’s the 37.3 million people, or 11.3% of the U.S. population who have diabetes.
The Fundamental Problem
The ongoing struggle for any diabetic is managing their glucose or blood sugar levels. This is often referred to as the glycemic index. The glycemic index (GI) is a rating system for foods containing carbohydrates. It shows how quickly each food affects your blood sugar (glucose) level when that food is eaten on its own.
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Glycemic Index (GI) for Common Foods
The GI values can be broken down into three ranges. Food with a low GI is a food that won't raise your blood sugar as much as a food with a medium or high GI. The glycemic index does not appear on nutrition facts labels on foods so you’ll need to find resources like this list from the Harvard Medical School.

And to make it easier, here are the basic tiers measuring the glycemic index in all foods with low being ideal and high as foods to limit or avoid. Foods low on the glycemic index (GI) scale tends to release glucose slowly and steadily. Foods high on the glycemic index release glucose rapidly
As a general rule, foods with a glycemic index of 70 or above should simply be avoided or consumed either in moderation or with paired foods that slow down the release of glucose in the bloodstream.
- Low GI: 55 or less
- Medium GI: 56 to 69
- High GI: 70 to 100
We’ll identify the GI for foods in the charts towards the end of this article.
Diabetes 101
People with diabetes quickly become students of their diet to manage their condition. But for those who have just been diagnosed with diabetes; are struggling with pre-diabetes, or have a family member with diabetes –we should do a quick overview of the condition and its challenges.
According to the Diabetes Research Institute, diabetes is caused by the body’s inability to create or effectively use its own insulin, which is produced by islet cells found in the pancreas. Insulin helps regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels – providing energy to body cells and tissues.
Without insulin, the body’s cells would be starved, causing dehydration and destruction of body tissue.
People with type 1 diabetes must have insulin delivered by injection or a pump to survive.
Many people with type 2 diabetes can control their blood glucose by following a healthy meal plan and a program of regular physical activity, losing excess weight, and taking medications.
Medications for each individual with diabetes will often change during the course of the disease. Insulin also is commonly used to control blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes.
How Many People Have diabetes?
- 37.3 million People, or 11.3% of the U.S. population, have diabetes.
- An estimated 28.7 million people – or 28.5% of the population – have clinically diagnosed diabetes.
- Approximately 8.5 million people have diabetes but have not yet been diagnosed (2022).
- 1.45 million Americans are living with T1D, which accounts for about 3.75% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes.
For people with type 1 diabetes or advanced type 2, insulin is a necessary and vital treatment. The ability to stock insulin and properly store it (it requires refrigeration) is a significant challenge for those affected with that level of diabetes.
For the majority of people with type 2 diabetes the condition can be managed with a proper diet and exercise. Even then, a long-term survival situation as a result of a disaster or societal collapse will make even that basic management level complicated. On the other hand, we may be significantly more active.
It’s All about Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates in food drive glucose levels. The level can be a threat to a diabetic if the carbohydrate intake is too high, or “spikes” because a food high in carbohydrates is consumed and metabolized too quickly. The fundamental solution is to restrict the amount of carbohydrates consumed or combine them with proteins or fiber to slow the metabolic rate causing fewer carbohydrates to be metabolized at once.
However, carbohydrates are a primary and critical food source that our bodies need. What’s critical for anyone with diabetes is to manage the carbohydrates and we’ll explore the many ways to do that. The primary way is the purpose of this exploration and that’s to eat the right foods with the right kinds and amount of carbs.
In addition, physical activity makes your body more sensitive to insulin (the hormone that allows cells in your body to use blood sugar for energy), which helps manage your diabetes. Physical activity not only helps control blood sugar levels but lowers your risk of heart disease and nerve damage.
Complex Carbohydrates vs. Simple Carbohydrates
There are two basic types of carbohydrates. Simple and complex. Complex carbohydrates contain longer chains of sugar molecules than simple carbohydrates. The body converts these sugar molecules into glucose, which it uses for energy.
As complex carbohydrates have longer chains, they take longer to break down and provide more lasting energy in the body than simple carbohydrates. By the way, there’s a third type of carbohydrate called fiber. It’s also a complex carbohydrate and it goes a long way towards solving many problems related to sugars, starches and glucose.
Anytime a diabetic consumes a carbohydrate the goal is to ensure they are complex carbohydrates. The reason is because it takes longer to break down the sugar molecules reducing the amount of insulin needed in the body to metabolize the glucose. Some examples of the good complex carbohydrates in food include:
- Brown rice
- Wild rice
- Oatmeal
- Whole-grain (rather than pearled) barley
- Quinoa Buckwheat
- Non-starchy vegetables from asparagus to zucchini
- Kidney beans
- Chickpeas
Beware the Simple Carbohydrates
Sugars are a type of simple carbohydrate. Your body breaks down simple carbohydrates quickly. As a result, blood sugar levels rise — and then drop — quickly. After consuming sugary foods, you may notice a burst of energy, followed by feeling tired.
There are two types of sugars:
- Naturally occurring sugars, such as those found in milk and fresh fruits.
- Added sugars, such as those found in sweets, canned fruit, processed foods, juice and soda. Sweets include things like bakery, candy bars and ice cream. Choose fruit canned in juice over other varieties. Note that sugar-free soda is also an option.
Your body processes all sugars the same. It can’t tell the difference between natural and added sugars. But along with energy, foods with natural sugars provide vitamins, minerals and sometimes fiber.
Simple sugars go by many names. On food labels, you may see sugars listed as:
- Agave nectar.
- Cane syrup or corn syrup.
- Dextrose, fructose or sucrose.
- Honey.
- Molasses.
- Sugar.
Limiting sugar is essential to keep blood sugar levels in the healthy range. Plus, sugary foods and drinks are often higher in calories that can contribute to weight gain. Limit refined foods and foods that contain added sugar, such as white flour, desserts, candy, juices, fruit drinks, sweetened soda pop and sweetened beverages.
One natural exception to the rule is maple syrup. It has a low glycemic index and is often recommended as a sugar substitute for diabetics. In fact, natural maple syrup has been described as the safest sugar substitute for diabetics.
The Food Storage Challenge
If you look at the nutrition information for many foods designed and processed for long-term food storage you will see a common occurrence. Many foods for long-term storage have very high levels of simple carbohydrates. That’s because these kinds of foods present a stable, long-term shelf life.
They also provide a higher amount of calories per serving. That’s often used by some long-term food storage manufacturers to promise a 2,000 calorie a day food package for a lower cost. We’ll cover the full range of good and bad foods but some brief examples of foods high in simple carbohydrates to avoid include:
- Refined Flour
- Large portions of Pasta
- White Rice
- Breads and Crackers
- Some dried fruits (with added sugars)
- Starchy vegetables like potatoes
- High fructose fruits like bananas
If that’s starting to sound like the profile of many long-term food storage products you’re familiar with you’d be right. But it’s not just about specialized foods for long-term storage.
The Processed Food Dilemma
Many of the everyday foods we consider for a food pantry or stockpile come from the grocery store in bottles, cans or boxes. They’re commonly referred to as packaged goods and many of them have a problem for anyone let alone a diabetic.
Packaged goods are notoriously high in added sugars and salt. Even if the basic product in the package is fundamentally free of excess or any carbohydrates, food processors will often add sugars (usually high fructose corn syrup) to enhance or add lost flavor as a result of processing.
And even though salt does not add glucose to a diet, many diabetics struggle with cardiovascular conditions aggravated by increased salt intake. The added salt in many packaged goods is to once again enhance flavor and as a natural preservative.
If you are looking to store packaged goods in your food storage, look for brands and varieties that have “no added sugar” or are labeled as sugar-free. If it’s a food traditionally processed with high amounts of salt like canned tomatoes, look for no-sodium or at least low-sodium varieties.
Canned fruits are the most notorious for added sugars so look for varieties that are either sugar-free or canned in the natural juice from the fruit. The same applies to food in bottles and boxes. Read the labels.
Common Everyday Solutions
For just about anyone, fresh is best in our diets. This is particularly true with fruits and vegetables but fresh fruits and vegetables have a short shelf-life. There are traditional storage solutions for fresh fruits and vegetables including root cellars and freezers. But the complications continue.
Many vegetables that preserve well in a root cellar are naturally high in carbohydrates. This includes all varieties of potatoes, corn, butternut squash and others. And the same goes for some fruits like pineapple, watermelon, mango, and bananas.
Long-term food storage manufacturers solve the shelf-life problem with freeze-drying and dehydration for fruits and vegetables but even then, the vegetables and fruits we listed above still carry high carbohydrate loads. In fact, some dried and packaged fruits have added sugars to enhance the flavor. Here again, read the label.
So What’s Good?
We’ll start where we just left off. Certain fresh fruits and vegetables are not only ideal for a diabetic diet, but some studies indicate that certain fruits and vegetables moderate glucose levels and offer other health benefits related to conditions aggravated by diabetes.
And yes, many fruits have natural sugars but it’s usually the added, refined sugars in processed and packaged fruits and flours that spike the carbs.
But it’s Not Just about Fruits and Vegetables
Foods high in protein and fiber are a critical part of any long-term food storage and the good news is that most of them are acceptable for a diabetic diet. As well, some vegetables high in protein and fiber like beans not only have a long shelf-life but have been identified as a superfood for diabetics.
Meats and Fish
Canned and dried meats and fish are one of the most critical categories for everyone storing food including diabetics. It’s rare that added sugars are used to process proteins like meat and fish but keep an eye on added salt. What’s worth noting is that all meats and fish have a glycemic index of “0.”
The most common types of fish found in cans include tuna, mackerel, salmon, anchovies, herring and sardines. All have high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids which are excellent dietary additions for cardiovascular health, and all have significant amounts of protein and calories needed for survival.
Other preservation methods for storing fish include drying (salmon jerky is an example) and smoking. Just keep an eye on any recommended additions of salt and moderate the amounts. You may reduce the shelf-life but salt is another hidden enemy in a diabetic diet.
There are a variety of meat products both canned and dried and often combined with other ingredients to make everything from soups to stews to chili.
Beef jerky is an obvious favorite and here again you can make your own, but whether you buy it or make it, keep an eye on the salt.
And Then There’s TVP
Textured vegetable protein or TVP is a dry food product made from soy beans. It has a high protein profile and is processed into a variety of forms and flavors.
As a soy-based product its glycemic index is around GI-18 which is the GI for soy beans. It has a long shelf life (10 to 20 years) when stored properly. Some of the flavors added include beef, chicken, pork, ham, taco flavor and chili flavor.
According to one vegan website: TVP is considered a healthy option as it is made from soy, which is high in protein and other nutrients. Many research studies on soy products suggest that it helps reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
High Fiber Foods
Most high fiber foods are either vegetables or fruits. The good news is that many of them retain their fiber whether fresh, frozen, freeze-dried and even dehydrated.
Food Pairing as a Glucose Solution
Food pairing is about making sure that there’s something on your plate that will help you manage the sugars in a higher carbohydrate food. It usually involves pairing foods high in fiber, protein and certain fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated).
The combination of fiber-rich carbs + lean protein + heart-healthy fats can promote more stable glucose levels. Fiber, protein and fats help to slow down the digestion of carbs and delay their absorption into the blood. This helps to prevent spikes in glucose levels after eating.
Foods high in fiber and protein slow down digestion. Since carbohydrates can only be absorbed in certain parts of the digestive system, they will pass through instead of getting into the body.
As a result, “Protein pairing” (eating some protein first before carbohydrates or choosing protein/carb mixed foods) is one of the best ways to prevent blood sugar spikes and other problems. Foods high in sugar are either converted to fat and stored away or turned almost instantly to glucose and released rapidly into your blood stream.
It’s Really All About Portion Control
Unless a food has a very high glycemic index it’s okay to eat as long as the portions are right-sized. We’re using 1-cup as the benchmark for measures of glycemic index for various foods. If you exceed that portion size even foods with a small GI can cause a sugar spike.
Pasta is a good example. It has a glycemic index of 50 but if you eat a large portion you will spike the sugars and glucose. Make sure you practice portion control as you eat what you store.
Putting It All Together
We’re going to develop 2 charts. One is the list of foods you should probably avoid in your long-term food storage if you or a family member are diabetic.
The second chart identifies the foods that you should consider with links to the source of the products both homegrown and commercially available.
Finally, we’ll identify techniques and approaches that allow you to grow, raise and preserve your own foods for storage with a diabetic profile in mind.
Foods to Avoid or Strictly Moderate for Diabetic Food Storage
Vegetables | ||
Potatoes – all varieties | Fresh, frozen, dried, powdered, flaked, dehydrated, canned | GI-100(+-)10 Potatoes in small amounts (1/2 cup) are okay but eat fresh. Stay away from processed potatoes like fries and chips. |
White Rice | Dried grains, rice crackers, white rice flour | GI-73 White rice in moderation is okay but brown rice is a far better substitute with a (GI-55). |
Sugars | White refined sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, molasses, corn syrup, agave nectar, honey | GI-70(+)25 These are usual ingredients in recipes for foods or beverages. Maybe avoid them entirely and most foods that contain them. |
Sodas and Juices | Soft drinks, juices from concentrate, artificially flavored juices | GI-62(+-)5 The risk with sweetened soft drinks and juices is once again a question of portion control. Okay in moderation. 12 ozs. per day. |
Snack Foods | Typically bagged potato chips, pretzels and other types of snack foods. Also candy bars and candies | GI-80+ These types of foods should be avoided for anyone with a diabetic condition due to the high amounts of added salts, sugars and the common use of trans fats. |
Some diabetics eat the above foods in moderation and with a food pairing of a high fiber food. It also depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s activity level. Overall, it’s simply best to avoid foods high in sugars, salts and trans fats.
As a general rule the food listed below are easier to manage with a low-carb, diabetic diet. The pattern that emerges in this “good” chart are high fiber, high protein, low sugar foods.
Best Foods for Diabetic Food Storage
Apples – all varieties | Fresh, dried, natural sauce, natural juice, frozen, dehydrated, canned w/no added sugar | (Glycemic Index) GI-36 One of the best all around foods with significant health benefits w/ high fiber especially unpeeled | Dehydrated Apples – #10 Can |
Orange – all varieties | Fresh, dried, natural juice, frozen, canned w/ no added sugar | GI-43 Another superfood high in Vitamin-C and fiber | Canned (no sugar added) Mandarin Oranges 12 – 15 oz. Cans |
Strawberries | Fresh, dried, dehydrated, frozen | GI-41 Another superfood with more Vitamin-C than an orange plus fiber | Freeze-Dried Strawberries – #10 Can |
Pears – all varieties | Fresh, dried, dehydrated, frozen, canned w/no sugar added | GI-40 Another vitamin source and have over 20% of your recommended daily fiber | Canned unsweetened Pears – 12 – 15 oz/ Cans |
Plums – all varieties | Fresh, dried as prunes, frozen | GI-40 and less Excellent source of potassium, copper, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and K | Sun-Dried Prunes – 5 lb. Pack |
Apricots – all varieties | Fresh, dried and frozen. Make sure dried apricots don’t have added sugar | GI-32 Good sources of Vitamin-A and E plus copper | Sun-Dried Apricots – 2 lb. Bag |
Cherries – tart are best | Fresh, dried, canned and juiced w/no added sugar | GI-20 A full range of vitamins, antioxidants and a natural cure for gout. | Sun-Dried Cherries – 5 lb. Box |
Berries – all varieties | Fresh, frozen, dried and canned | GI-(28-40) This includes red and black raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and gooseberries | Dried Blueberries – #10 Can |
Grapes – all varieties | Fresh, naturally juiced, frozen, dried as raisins | GI-53 Watch for added sugars in grape products like raisins or in juices | Raisins – 10 lb. Sack |
Avocado | Fresh, frozen, dried and powdered | GI-55 and less The ripeness of an avocado increases its GI up to 55. | Best if bought or grown fresh locally |
Broccoli | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated | GI-15 Consistently identified as a go-to fiber source for food pairing with foods having high or medium GI’s. | Freeze-Dried Broccoli – #10 Can |
Brussels Sprouts | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated | GI-15 Another excellent fiber source with significant nutritional value | Best if purchased or grown locally |
Cauliflower | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated | GI-10 Great for a variety recipes and a very low GI. | Freeze-Dried Cauliflower – #10 Can |
Kale | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated, flaked | GI-3 A leafy green hero with high fiber and a low GI. Another food pairing champion for managing diabetes. | Best if purchased or grown locally |
Spinach | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated, flaked | GI-15 A known superfood with fiber and a low GI | Spinach Flakes – #10 Can |
Collard Greens | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated | GI-50 Known for a nutrient profile defined by high mineral and vitamins in addition to fiber but practice portion control with its higher GI | Low-Sodium Canned Collard Greens – 6 – 14.5 oz. Cans |
Nori (seaweed) | Also known as seaweed paper | GI-0 In a recent study, nori or seaweed paper was found to significantly reduce the glycemic index of paired foods | Nori Seaweed – 100 Sheets |
Carrots | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated | GI-39 Also known for its nutrient density with high fiber | Dehydrated Carrots – #10 Can |
Peas | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated, canned | GI-51 Portion control is important. Limit to a ½ cup serving | Green Peas – 4 lb. Bag |
Lentils | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated, canned | GI-32 Also known for its nutrient density and fiber | Lentils – 25 lb. Bucket |
Black Beans | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated, canned | GI-30 High amounts of protein and fiber | Black Beans – 24 lb. Bucket |
Green Beans | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated, canned | GI-32 High amounts of protein and fiber | Green Beans – 12 – 14.5 oz Cans |
Red Kidney Beans | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated, canned | GI-20 High amounts of protein and fiber | Red Kidney Beans – 25 lb. Bucket |
Lima Beans | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated, canned | GI-46 High amounts of protein and fiber | Lima Beans – 25 lb. Bag |
Pinto Beans | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated, canned | GI-45 High amounts of protein and fiber | Pinto Beans – 25 lb. Bucket |
Soy Beans | Fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated, canned | GI-16 The protein champ with high fiber | Soy Beans – 7 lbs. bag |
Garbanzo Beans | Fresh, frozen, canned, chickpea flour | GI-28 Protein, fiber and its flour (chickpea) is ideal for baking | Garbanzo Beans – 25 lb. Sack |
GRAINS | |||
Quinoa | Bags, jars and boxes | GI-55 The new superfood but watch the GI and eat in moderation (1/2 cup servings). | 10 lb. Tin of Quinoa |
Rolled Oats | Sacks, bags, and boxes | GI-55 Another food storage champ for a range of recipes. Eat in moderation. | Rolled Oats – 10 lb. Pail |
Nuts | Walnuts (GI-15), almonds (GI-0), cashews (GI-25), pistachios (GI-28), peanuts (GI-13), peanut butter (GI-14), peanut butter powder, other nut butters (GI – 0 to 15) | GI-VARIES Although the GI is variable it trends low for a food source packed protein | 5 lbs. Mixed Nuts |
Seeds | Flaxseed (GI-25), sunflower seeds (GI-35), chia seeds (GI-30), barley (GI-28) | GI-VARIES GI trends low and an excellent protein addition as a grain | 2.2 lb. package Chia Seed |
Brown rice | Dried and bagged grains or #10 cans | GI-55 A better alternative to white rice with its lower GI but has less of shelf-life (1-year) than white rice | 24 lb. pail Brown Rice |
Beef | Fresh, frozen, canned, freeze-dried, dehydrated, jerked | GI-0 Excellent protein source and as a paired food with other foods with higher GI’s | Canned Beef |
Chicken | Fresh, frozen, canned, freeze-dried, dehydrated, jerked | GI-0 Like all meats, has a “0” GI and another excellent protein source | #10 Can Freeze-dried White Meat Chicken |
Eggs | Fresh, water-glassed, powdered | GI-0 Another excellent protein source with a variety of uses across recipes. | #10 Can Egg Powder |
Pork | Fresh, frozen, canned, freeze-dried, dehydrated, cured, smoked | GI-0 Good protein source but watch for added salt in some pork products like bacon. | #10 Can Pulled Pork |
Ham | Fresh, frozen, canned, freeze-dried, dehydrated, cured, smoked | GI-0 Another great protein source with “0” GI but again, watch for salt from curing process. | Canned Ham |
Pemmican | Fresh, frozen and canned | GI-0 (+-5) The ultimate survival food. High protein and saturated fats. Carbs and GI depend on added ingredients like nuts, raisins or oatmeal. | 10.5 oz. Package Pemmican |
Tuna | Fresh, frozen, canned | GI-0 A food storage staple with Omega-3 and high protein levels. | Canned Tuna – 48 – 5 oz. cans |
Salmon | Fresh, frozen, canned, freeze-dried, jerked | GI-0 Excellent levels of Omega 3, protein and a proven heart-healthy food source. | Canned Salmon – 12 – 14.75 oz. cans |
Sardines | Canned | GI-0 High in Omega-3 and excellent protein source. | Canned Sardines – 18 cans |
Herring | Canned | GI-0 Great protein source and Omega-3 but check salt levels if jarred or canned. | Canned Herring – 18 cans |
Anchovies | Canned | GI-0 Usually used as a flavor enhancement. Rinse to remove excess salt. | Canned Anchovies – 12 cans |
TVP | #10 cans, bags and boxes | GI-16 to 18 The GI is very close to the GI-16 of the soy beans TVP is made from. | Beef Flavored TVP – #10 Can |
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil | Bottled, canned | GI-0 A proven heart-healthy fat and helps moderate metabolism when paired with higher GI foods | 5-Gallon can Extra Virgin Olive Oil |
Coconut Oil | Bottled, canned | GI-42 Can also help to moderate metabolism but has a higher GI than other oils | 128 ozs. Coconut Oil |
All Polyunsaturated fats | Vegetable oils, Corn oil, Canola oil, Bottled, canned | GI-0 Also helps to moderate metabolism when paired with higher GI foods | 1-gallon Canola Oil |
Coffee | Whole beans, ground, instant | GI-0 Drink it black but watch the caffeine effects on blood pressure | 3 lbs. Coffee |
Powdered Milk | #10 cans, bags and boxes | GI-3 to 18 A good protein source with a low GI | 6 lbs. Powdered Milk |
Tea – all varieties | Tea bags, tins and jars | GI-0 Known for therapeutic and medicinal benefits. If sweetened try to use maple syrup. | Tea Variety Pack |
Apple Cider | Fresh, bottled | GI-41 Natural apple cider has excellent nutritional value with a GI lower than most flavored juices. Also easy to make. | Best if bought locally from an orchard or raw, unfiltered grocery cider |
Vinegar – all varieties | Bottled | GI-15 to 40 Known for its medicinal properties and food preservation. Apple cider vinegar has a higher GI at 40. | Apple Cider Vinegar – 2 – 128 oz. jugs |
Herbs and Spices | Basil, Bilberry, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Cumin, Dandelion, Dill, Fennel, Garlic, Ginger, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Stevia, Tarragon, Thyme, Turmeric, | Various clinical studies revealed that these herbs and spices have positive impacts on the metabolism of people with diabetes. Stevia is also noted as one of the best natural sweetener alternatives. | Best if bought locally so you can purchase specific varieties or Bought in bulk as a collection |
Maple Syrup | Natural, 100% Maple Syrup in jars or jugs | The only natural sugar recommended for diabetics. You can also make your own if you have maple trees. | 100% Maple Syrup – ½ gallon jug |
Across the range of foods that we would store and eat there are no doubt many items missing. It would fill a few books to cover all of the possibilities but these examples should give you an idea of where to start.
Beyond the value of food in storage is the ability to grow your own. Here are some excellent subjects with links about seed banks, gardening, animal husbandry, and food preservation that will let you create a sustainable food supply while you grow and raise foods for a diabetic diet.
- Garden Planning
- Urban Gardening
- Bucket Gardening
- Indoor vegetable gardens
- Growing your own herbs and spices
- Raising Chickens
- Raising Livestock
- Chicken Eggs
- Butchering
- Food preservation techniques
- Canning
- Pressure Canning Meats
- How to Make Pemmican
- Harvesting Seeds
- Creating a seed bank
- Food Storage Basics
There are also some excellent books that cover the subject of diabetes in general and subjects specifically related to diet.
- Diabetic Preparedness Pantry Planning Guide
- Mastering Diabetes
- Mayo Clinic: The Essential Diabetes Book
- Food Lists for Diabetes
- The Prepper's Ultimate Food-Storage Guide
- Diabetic Cookbook For Beginners
- Insulin Plants for Diabetes
- The Diabetes Canning Recipes Book
- Medicinal Herbs to Reverse Diabetes
There are also some excellent resources on YouTube and websites dedicated to diabetes and managing a diabetic diet.
- Diabetic Preppers On The Run | Stop Eating And Filling Your Pantries With Junk Food
- How To Choose Vegetables For A Diabetic's Garden
- Top 10 Diabetes-Fighting Vegetables
- 6 Plants for Diabetes: Lower Blood Sugar and Increase Insulin – Plant Them in Your Garden
- 5 Reasons Why Growing Your Food Helps Type 2 Diabetes
- The ULTIMATE Shopping Guide For Diabetics – What To Eat & Avoid w/ Diabetes
- Plants for the Diabetics Garden
- Diabetes Management: A Guide to Growing Your Own Food
- Grow a Superfood Garden to Fight Diabetes
- How to Prepare for an Emergency When You Have Diabetes
We’ve Only Scratched the Surface
It’s difficult to outline an entire plan for long-term food storage for someone with diabetes. There are too many variables from the type of diabetes to other health complications; the number of people affected, and the always unknown duration of any emergency or disaster.
Hopefully, this has given you a head start on understanding the challenges of food storage for a diabetic condition, and a window into the critical factors affecting a diabetic’s diet. The good news is that the foods we’ve identified are healthy choices for everyone. The better news will be if we never have to turn to our food storage as our only source of reliable food.
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