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    10 Common Injuries And How To Treat Them

    10 Common Injuries And How To Treat Them

    Basic first aid is not very complicated. And to prove it, I’m going to explain how to treat 10 common (and minor) injuries in one article. #urbansurvivalsite #firstaid #prepper #preparedness #medical

    9 Easy Steps to Make Your Own Charcoal

    9 Easy Steps to Make Your Own Charcoal

    If you’re living through a disaster, you can’t just run to the store for charcoal. You’ll need to make your own. Fortunately, it’s not that hard to make.

    How To Make Homemade Beef Jerky

    How To Make The Most Delicious Beef Jerky Ever

    Beef jerky is made in two steps. The first step is the marinade, and the second step is the drying process. The end result is delicious preserved jerky.

    How to Make Emergency Candles

    How to Make Emergency Candles for Heat and Light

    Candle making is a skill. Once you know the basics and how things work, you can create as many emergency candles as you want with just a few materials.