The Dangers Of A Remote Bug Out Location
Bug out locations are very appealing, but be careful when you’re way out there, as there are also many dangers. Here’s what you should know. #urbansurvivalsite #buggingout #bugoutlocation #shtf #disaster
Bug out locations are very appealing, but be careful when you’re way out there, as there are also many dangers. Here’s what you should know. #urbansurvivalsite #buggingout #bugoutlocation #shtf #disaster
If you’re bugging out, then on your way to your safe haven, you may need to stop and make camp. That is the topic of this video by Reality Survival. #urbansurvivalsite #bugout #buggingout #bugoutcamp #shtf
Even if you don’t like camping, it’s still worth learning wilderness survival tips in case you get lost or have to bug out. That’s the topic of this video. #urbansurvivalsite #wildernesssurvival #bushcraft #survivaltips #survival
Our food supply chain is vulnerable and experiencing food shortages is a very real possibility. Medical supplies and other necessities are vulnerable too. #urbansurvivalsite #urbansurvival #citysurvival #shtf #foodshortages
It can be difficult to predict what might be in store for the coming decade. However, there are some events the new decade is very likely to hold in store. #urbansurvivalsite #shtf #disaster #doomsday #collapse
In order to make your prepping budget stretch as far as possible, avoid purchasing prepping items that aren’t useful or necessary.
There are many other ways to open a can. You can use a knife, a spoon, a hatchet, and even the concrete you walk on to open up your cans. #urbansurvivalsite #foodstorage #preparedness #cannedfood #survivalhacks
There are a number of uses for nail polish that could be quite valuable in a survival scenario. Here are ten creative ways to use it. #urbansurvivalsite #survival #survivaltips #survivalhacks #nailpolish
While these survival comfort items may not be entirely necessary, they can make the process much easier while also helping improve your mental health. #urbansurvivalsite #survivalitems #comfortitems #survival #prepared
In this video, Reality Survival & Prepping talks about things communities will need to do after the end of the world as we know it. Here’s his list. #urbansurvivalsite #shtf #prepper #prepping #preparedness