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    15 Things For Communities To Do After SHTF

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    15 Things For Communities To Do After SHTF

    A lot of guys enjoy the fantasy of the badass survivalist who makes it on his own in a post-apocalyptic world. If you ever played Fallout, you know what I'm talking about. You got your guns, your supplies, and your canine companion, and that's all you need.

    But reality is very different. In a post-SHTF world, it will be very difficult—if not impossible—to make it on your own. If you really want to survive, you need to be part of a community. And if you haven't already, you need to either join or start a community of preppers in your area. People who will band together against the looters when the authorities have lost control.

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    In this video, Reality Survival & Prepping talks about things communities will need to do after the end of the world as we know it. Here's his list:

    1. Do what you can to ensure local infrastructure stays maintained, functional, and secure.
    2. Form local markets to keep commerce and trade alive and well.
    3. Reestablishing rule of law and a sense of normalcy should be the primary focus.
    4. Remember to plan ahead. Start making preparations for winter, spring crops, fuel for equipment, etc. Always be thinking six to twelve months ahead.
    5. Utilize the U.S. Constitution and State Constitution to help re-establish the rule of law. Start with your local area and move outward. Cooperation and compromise will be critical.
    6. Hold local elections to elect judges, sheriffs, police chiefs, fire chiefs, mayors, county commissioners, militia leaders, etc. They will be voluntary at first.
    7. Hold town and area meetings to consider the formal dissolution of former town and county charters. Re-establish new ones in writing signed by officials.
    8. Establish a volunteer militia with clear roles and duties. Elect a leader of the militia. Be sure to differentiate between the police and militias so they understand their roles.
    9. Re-establish local, county, and state written laws and prescribed punishments. Start simple. Focus more on restraining the government than on restraining citizens.
    10. Determine how you want to handle schools for children. Homeschools? Local co-ops? What about internships and apprenticeships?
    11. Establish a local clinic or doctor's office for treatment of disease, injuries, etc. Consider a security team for the doctor.
    12. Establish regular town and county meetings. Consider the utilization of local radio stations and other forms of communication to make people aware of these meetings.
    13. Consider the re-establishment of the public library and newspaper. Transparency and making information available to the public will be crucial.
    14. Don't wait for the collapse. Start with your current town's and city's policies. Start finding ways to make your community more self-reliant.
    15. Consider getting a headstart on making plans for how to go about the reestablishment of your town and community.

    Watch the video below for a detailed breakdown of each point.

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