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    10 Survival Uses for Nail Polish

    10 Survival Uses for Nail Polish

    There are a number of uses for nail polish that could be quite valuable in a survival scenario. Here are ten creative ways to use it. #urbansurvivalsite #survival #survivaltips #survivalhacks #nailpolish

    How To Survive On A Desert Island

    How To Survive On A Desert Island

    While a remote island in the middle of the ocean may seem like a dream getaway, it can be a much different experience trying to survive on one. #urbansurvivalsite #survive #desertisland #survival #wilderness

    10 Steps To Surviving A Winter Power Outage

    10 Steps To Surviving A Winter Power Outage

    A power outage in winter can be fatal. Without electricity, you won’t have heat. No heat for a day is one thing. Imagine not having heat for several days. #urbansurvivalsite #wintersurvival #poweroutage #prepared #emergency

    Civil War Preparedness: Food and Water

    Civil War Preparedness - Part 1: Food and Water

    Today we’ll look at the #1 most important aspect of civil war survival: sourcing food and water. Something made more difficult by the urban environment. #urbansurvivalsite #civilwar #preparedness #survivalfood #emergencysurvival

    How to Make Char Cloth with a Zippo

    How to Make Char Cloth with a Zippo

    Although you can buy char cloth, I recommend making it yourself. In this video, Sigma 3 Survival School explains how to make char cloth step by step. #urbansurvivalsite #charcloth #zippo #diy #survival