10+ Urban Survival Tips You Should Learn
A series of videos full of urban survival tips from Reality Survival. This is a great series for anyone living in an urban environment.
A series of videos full of urban survival tips from Reality Survival. This is a great series for anyone living in an urban environment.
These medicinal herbs are natural painkillers. They aren’t as strong as morphine, but they can at least make the pain more tolerable.
In this video, Canadian Prepper talks about the pros and cons of being an urban prepper or a rural prepper. A lot of it depends on the situation.
There are several warning signs that indicate a collapse of some kind is approaching. It’s important for preppers to watch for these warnings.
I don’t normally post doom and gloom articles like this, but every now and then it’s a good idea to remind ourselves what we’re preparing for.
In this video, Malcolm from Bug Out Brothers shares a couple hacks that could save your ass if you don’t have enough batteries.
You may think you have your plans and gear in order, but until you run through the following scenarios, there’s no way to know if you’re truly ready.
One simple way to start a fire is with a soda can. You’ll also need some tinder, direct sunlight, and something to polish the bottom of the can.
The bugging in versus bugging out debate is probably one of the biggest in the survival community, most likely because it’s almost impossible to predict.
Imagine your phone is dying and you have no way to charge it. If only you could get the power from some batteries into your phone. Well, you can.