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    Top 5 Survival Comfort Items

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    Top 5 Survival Comfort Items

    Surviving a major disaster or post-apocalyptic scenario can certainly be a rough and brutal process. While many preppers focus on stockpiling the items they need to survive such events, few people worry about making sure their lives will have some semblance of comfort throughout the process.

    With that said, there’s more to life than just survival, and there’s no reason not to stockpile a few items that are designed to make your life more comfortable and enjoyable when and if the SHTF.

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    While these so-called “comfort items” may not be entirely necessary for you to stay alive, they can make the process much easier while also helping improve your mental health during what is sure to be an incredibly stressful and demanding time.

    In this video, Corporals Corner shares five important survival comfort items. Here they are:

    1. Opossum Perch Camping Stool

    This foldable camping stool requires you to craft your own legs for the stool using poles or sticks that you cut down to length. The tradeoff, though, is that this stool is small enough to fit in your back pocket.

    2. Drix Bushcraft Grill

    It’s possible to cook meat and other food over a fire without a grill, but having one available makes the process much easier and more convenient – and the Drix Bushcraft Grill is designed to be highly portable.

    3. Grayl Geopress

    If you are looking for a portable and highly-effective way to purify water, the Grayl Geopress is an excellent product to consider.

    4. Uco Sprout Mini Lantern

    While this lantern may be small in size, it’s big in brightness, making the Uco Sprout Mini Lantern a convenient and portable lighting solution.

    5. Uco Mess Kit

    Silverware and plates may not be absolutely necessary for eating, but it does make the process a lot more enjoyable – and this mess kit is the most portable way to bring an entire dining setup with you on the go.

    To learn more about these five survival comfort items and see them used, be sure to check out the video below:

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