39 Household Items You Should Put In Your Bug Out Bag
Maximize your bug out bag with household items. Find out which everyday items can be essential in survival situations.
Maximize your bug out bag with household items. Find out which everyday items can be essential in survival situations.
Preparedness for disaster in just 7 days. This plan tells you what to do every day for a week. By the end, you’ll be prepared for disaster.
What would you do if you were trapped in your car during a winter storm? Would you have the survival items you need to stay safe until help arrives?
Even hardcore survivalists can overlook things. What did you overlook? Here are some survival items you might have forgotten to buy.
If you’re stranded outside in the winter, having the right gear could be the difference between life and death. Here are 20 survival items you need to get.
Prepare for emergencies with an essential tool: a family emergency binder. Learn how to stay organized and calm during crisis situations.
If you’re a new prepper, here’s a list of 30 survival items that will help you and your family survive most temporary disasters for up to two weeks.Â
Yard sales are a great place to search for survival items. Here’s a list of 50 emergency supplies to look for while searching yard sales.
Even in temporary disasters, cash could become rare or worthless if people are more interested in food and supplies. You’ll need barter items.
Say goodbye to pests with safe and natural pest control methods. Protect your home and garden from damage and disease.