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    25 Supplies You Need to Survive the Next Pandemic

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    25 Supplies You Need to Survive the Next Pandemic

    Of all the major disasters that could happen in the near future, a pandemic is one of the most likely. It's a simple historical fact that pandemics happen on a regular basis, and scientists believe they are going to become more common in the 21st century.

    Why? Partly because we live in an urbanized world where someone with a contagious disease can hop on a plane and spread it to another country immediately. Not to mention all the gain-of-function research being done in labs around the world. What if a dangerous virus leaks out of the lab?

    Many experts believe that's what happened with covid. If that's true, then we are still overdue for a naturally-occurring pandemic.

    Now, epidemiologists are very worried about bird flu (H5N1) because for the first time ever, it appears to be spreading among mammals. In the past, it has jumped from birds to humans, but it never spread among humans, or any other mammals.

    This means it could only be a matter of time before it evolves and starts spreading through people. And before you shrug it off, thinking it won't be any worse than the covid pandemic, you should know that unlike covid, bird flu has killed about 60% of people who have contracted it.

    My fear is that since the covid-19 pandemic wasn't as deadly as originally feared, people aren't going to take pandemics seriously anymore. But they should. If bird flu spreads among people and kills over half of the ones who get it, it could bring down our entire civilization.

    So if you haven't started preparing for a pandemic, now is the time. Here are the top 25 supplies you should have on hand so you can survive the next pandemic (in alphabetical order):

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    1. Antimicrobial Masks

    These are one of the best ways to protect yourself when you're out and about during the height of a pandemic. You can get the cheap disposable masks (although they are currently sold out on Amazon), or you can get one high-quality mask that you can use until the pandemic is over.

    2. Antibacterial Soap

    Another layer of disinfectant defense. Be sure to have plenty of antibacterial soap on standby.

    3. Bleach

    When cleaning your home, be sure to use large amounts of bleach to help kill off any pathogens. You can also use it to purify water (just make sure it's regular, unscented chlorine bleach with between 6 and 8.25% of sodium hypochlorite).

    4. Bottled Water

    In the case of a pandemic, your water supply might not be safe to drink, so you will want to have ample storage of bottled water on hand.

    5. Duct Tape

    Aside from being useful for a wide number of other applications, you will need duct tape in addition to plastic sheeting in order to construct a quarantine area.

    6. Echinacea Tea

    This is my favorite tea, partly because it helps boost the immune system.

    7. Emesis Bags

    Better known as vomit bags, emesis bags make dealing with a sick person who is vomiting much less problematic and, more importantly, less dangerous to those around them.

    8. First Aid Kit

    During a pandemic, medical facilities will be overwhelmed (they’ll also be the last place you want to visit unless you have to) so be prepared to take care of minor injuries yourself with a good first aid kit.

    9. Goggles

    Protecting your eyes from contact with infected fluids and material is crucial, so invest in a quality pair of goggles.

    10. Hand Sanitizer

    I only use this when there's a bad bug going around, and then only after I've been out.

    11. Heavy Duty Trash Bags

    Once you dispose of an infected item or material, the last thing you want is your trash bag tearing open and spilling it out, so invest in a supply of heavy-duty trash bags.

    12. HEPA Filter

    In the same way that antimicrobial masks can filter the air that you inhale, installing a HEPA filter can help filter the air that goes into your home.

    13. Kitty Litter

    Kitty litter can be used to soak up the fluids of a sick person, making it easier to clean up without coming into contact with them.

    14. Over-the-Counter Medications

    In addition to stocking up on your prescriptions, you will want to ensure that you have plenty of over-the-counter meds such as painkillers, cough suppressants, and anti-diarrheal medications available as well. These items will fly off the shelf during a pandemic.

    15. Plastic Gloves

    These are indispensable in a pandemic, allowing you to touch people and things that may be infected without worrying about coming into direct contact with the infection.

    16. Plastic Sheeting

    Plastic sheeting can be used should you need to create a space to quarantine someone who has become infected or to seal off a space to shelter yourself.

    17. Prescription Drugs

    Prescriptions are difficult to stash away, but for the same reason it’s a good idea to have a first aid kit, it’s a good idea to have a supply of any prescriptions you might require.

    18. Probiotics

    During a pandemic, anything you can do to strengthen your immune system is worth doing.

    19. Rubbing Alcohol

    This can kill almost any bug out there, allowing you to completely disinfect your home, tools, skin, and anything else that might need it.

    20. Sports Drink Powder

    Drinks like Gatorade or Powerade, or anything with lots of electrolytes will be important for keeping yourself hydrated if you do get sick.

    21. Thermometers

    No-touch thermometers were used extensively during the last Ebola outbreak, and for good reason. They allow you to check a person for fever without having direct contact with them.

    22. Toilet Paper

    Proper sanitation is essential to keep a pandemic from spreading, so stock up on toilet paper and any other sanitary items you may frequently use.

    23. Tyvek Suit

    Disposable Tyvek suits offer full body protection, making them a great idea if you have to leave your home or come into contact with an infected person during a pandemic.

    24. Vitamin C

    Another great way to boost your immune system. I like to take EmergenC because it also includes other important vitamins and minerals, and it tastes really good.

    25. Water Purifier

    If you don’t want to rely on bottled water during a pandemic, you can use a water purifier, but not a water filter. Most filters, even the kind preppers put in bug out bags, won't filter out viruses. For that, you'll need to boil your water or use a high-quality water purifier.

    With all of these supplies on hand, you'll be as ready as you can possibly be when the next pandemic strikes.

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