9 Ways To Make Money As A Prepper
There are multiple ways to make money as a prepper, to the point that it’s not unrealistic to make a few hundred extra dollars a month.
There are multiple ways to make money as a prepper, to the point that it’s not unrealistic to make a few hundred extra dollars a month.
Homesteading is about self-sufficiency, and there are many ways you can increase your independence, even in an apartment.
With a shaky economy and wages continuing to stagnate, many people’s resolution is to save money and stretch their budget. #urbansurvivalsite #frugal #frugaltips #savemoney #budget
Many experts fear that the current bull market will end with a second Great Depression. If you want to get prepared before this happens, here’s what you should do. #urbansurvivalsite #greatdepression #economy #collapse #preparedness
The most common complaint among new preppers is how expensive it is. While there are many ways you can prep for free, you will inevitably have to spend some money if you want to stock up on supplies. To do that, it’s important to keep a budget and look for great deals.
Unless you’re made of money, budget prepping is very important if you don’t want to end up broke. Fortunately, there are many ways to prep for free.
A popular new trend in the prepper community is using gadget pouches and tool rolls to make survival kits and bug out bags. #urbandsurvivalsite #survivalkit #survivalgear #budget #frugal
Every week, buy one of these items and a day’s worth of food. By the end of the year, you’ll be more prepared than 99% of society.
Although prepping might seem expensive, in the long run, it could actually save you money by lowering your bills and teaching you to make do with less.
There are lots of dollar store survival item lists out there, but in this video, he takes the items into the woods and uses them to set up a camp.