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    The Government Will Help These Cities First After The SHTF

    The Government Will Help These Cities First After The SHTF

    Knowing where the government will show up first in a collapse scenario is of immense importance. Of course, we would all like to believe there is help on the way, and there are massive amounts of resources that will be used to assist people, but some places will be a higher priority than others.

    50 Places to Search for Supplies After SHTF

    50 Places to Search for Supplies After SHTF

    When thinking about scavenging, everyone’s first instinct is to head for grocery stores and restaurants. But if you think outside the box, you’ll realize there are many other places you could find useful items.

    Rationing Food After SHTF: Who Eats Last?

    Rationing Food After SHTF: Who Eats Last?

    Here’s an interesting question that preppers rarely ask: If you start running low on food, how do you ration what’s left? Hopefully, you won’t ever run low on food, but there are plenty of scenarios where it could happen.