5 Things You MUST Do Before SHTF
I know, another list of things to do before the SHTF. I don’t care–this one is really good. It comes from Serious Survivor, and it’s a great intro. #urbansurvivalsite #shtf #prepare #preparedness #survive
I know, another list of things to do before the SHTF. I don’t care–this one is really good. It comes from Serious Survivor, and it’s a great intro. #urbansurvivalsite #shtf #prepare #preparedness #survive
The wise prepper will figure out how to turn self-reliance skills into a lucrative income after a disaster. So what will be the best jobs for preppers? #urbansurvivalsite #preppers #jobs #shtf #bestjobs
Any TEOTWAWKI-level event will cause a societal breakdown. Eventually, daily life will return to an 1800s-style existence.
After the SHTF, you want to make sure that gangs of looters don’t come driving down your street, looking for houses to rob. #urbansurvivalsite #civilunrest #selfdefense #survival #prepared
The purpose of this article is not to scare you or to spread doom and gloom, but to educate you on what would happen if the grid went down.
When the SHTF, people with no skills or supplies will realize that a few basic survival items can mean the difference between life and death.
If you can develop proficiency in one of these 15 rare skills, you’ll not only be able to help yourself survive, you’ll also be able to trade your skills. #urbansurvivalsite #skills #shtf #survivalskills #offgridskills
For most of human history, bacterial infections and diseases were the number one killer year after year, regardless of whether there was a major disaster in progress. #urbansurvivalsite #shtf #disease #survival #endoftheworld
There are plenty of threats that people associate with a major disaster. Infection, however, is rarely one of them. #urbansurvivalsite #infection #disaster #pandemic #shtf
Aside from the financial consequences, there are plenty of scary things that follow in the wake of an economic collapse.