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    Rationing Food After SHTF: Who Eats Last?

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    Rationing Food After SHTF: Who Eats Last?

    Here's an interesting question that I don't hear very often: If you start running low on food, how do you ration what's left? Hopefully, you won't ever run low on food, but there are plenty of scenarios where it could happen. So in the interest of preparedness, I think it's important to think about this question.

    You might think the fair thing is to equally divide what's left among the people in your group. But it's not fair at all when you consider the fact that different people burn different amounts of calories. If you hand out equal rations, then people who are smaller or do less physical labor will have more food than necessary, while people who are larger or do more physical labor won't have enough food.

    As a father, I'd be more than willing to go hungry so my children could eat, but if they're relying on me to do most of the work while keeping them safe, that might be a bad idea. Yes, I could survive on a few hundred calories a day while my body burns fat for energy, but I'd be weak, tired, and unable to think clearly. In that condition, I wouldn't be much good to my family.

    There are many other factors to consider, and they're all discussed in this video by Canadian Prepper. I highly recommend watching his discussion of the topic. It will give you a lot to think about.

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