8 Diseases To Beware Of After The SHTF
The following diseases aren’t really an issue in developed countries, but after the SHTF they will be much more prevalent.
The following diseases aren’t really an issue in developed countries, but after the SHTF they will be much more prevalent.
One of the best reasons to lose weight is so you’ll be ready in case the SHTF. If you’re trying to survive, the last thing you need is to be out of breath.
If you’re living through a long-term disaster, odds are the power is out and gasoline is scarce, which means most of your power tools are useless.
In this video. Sensible Prepper talks about the top 10 ways to communicate after the SHTF. This is a very important topic that too many preppers overlook.
Most preppers don’t bother stocking alcohol, but this is a huge mistake. Alcohol could mean the difference between life and death for you and your family.
I know a lot of my posts have the term “SHTF” in the title. But as I’ve said before, there are many reasons to prep other than SHTF.
In cities, the number one problem after the SHTF will be a lack of food and water. Too many people don’t store more than a few days worth of food.
No matter how much you prepare for disaster, there are going to be unexpected problems that throw a monkey wrench in your plans.
The point of this article is to give you a few ideas on personal hygiene in post-SHTF situations, although some of these tips can be applied right now.
You may think life after the SHTF will be exciting, but the grim reality is that you will have some very long, very boring days and nights.