The further we get from the days of the pioneers, the more helpless people become. It's gotten to where most young people (millennials and generation Z) have no basic survival skills. To them, cooking dinner means putting a frozen entree into the microwave. Many of them have never cooked a meal from scratch in their entire lives.
But when you consider all the other skills needed to survive a widespread disaster, it gets much worse. Most young people have never collected and purified water, started and built a fire, or even worked in a garden. They don't know how to build a shelter, how to handle a weapon, or how to navigate without their phones. So when the SHTF, they will be completely helpless (if they even survive).
It's not entirely their fault. After all, it's their parents who decided that passing on these basic skills wasn't important. But that's not the only reason young people will have a hard time if there's ever a widespread crisis.
In this video, Canadian Prepper talks about how the younger generations got this way and how important it is for us to teach young people to toughen up. You can watch it below: