Several months ago, I got a terrible case of the flu. I was running to the bathroom all night, and in the morning I couldn't even get out of bed. After a few hours, the nausea subsided, but I started to get a headache. It gradually got worse, and worse, and worse, until by lunchtime my head was pounding. I'd never had a flu cause a headache like this before.
Then I finally realized the real reason I had a pounding headache: I hadn't had my morning coffee! I'd had caffeine headaches before, but not like this. My caffeine addiction had gotten worse than ever. Since then I've cut back on caffeine, but I don't think I'll ever quit completely, which is why I store caffeine in several forms.
That is the subject of these videos by MDPrepper. He goes over the various ways to get your caffeine fix in an SHTF scenario. Options discussed include: instant coffee, coffee grounds, coffee beans, and caffeine pills.
In a long-term grid-down scenario, you may also want to grow something that contains caffeine. But if you live in North America, then the only option is green tea, which comes from camellia sinensis.
Watch the videos below for more information. Also be sure to read about ways to make coffee when the power is out.