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    10 Foods That Would Disappear First in a Crisis

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    10 Foods That Would Disappear First in a Crisis

    Everyone knows what happens to grocery stores when a disaster such as a hurricane is approaching. They get ransacked. People who didn't stockpile food ahead of time rush to the supermarkets and start panic-buying before all the good stuff is gone.

    Most people are too late and have to settle for weird foods that no one else wanted to buy, like tofu. Some people get nothing and have to rely on neighbors or FEMA to feed them.

    In this article, we'll talk about the foods that will disappear first during the next crisis. Make sure you stock up on these foods now so you don't end up standing in line with a bunch of panicked shoppers.

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    1. Water

    Water might not technically be a food, but since you can’t live without it, we’ve put it first on this list. Whether you’re using water to rehydrate your foods or stay hydrated yourself, it’s something you’ve got to have no matter what’s going on around you. 

    The good news? It doesn’t really spoil. As long as you store it properly and/or have some water purifiers, it's fairly easy to build up a stockpile you can count on.

    2. Canned Goods

    Canned goods might not last quite as long as water, but they still last for an impressive amount of time. From soup to beans, tuna to canned meats and vegetables, these are items that you absolutely need in the event of an emergency.

    Because they are so versatile, long lasting, and don’t require heat in order to consume, they also tend to disappear first from the store shelves during a crisis. They’re also the most directly impacted by related supply chain issues – like the aluminum shortage in 2021 that caused canned food and beverage shortages.

    Stock up now – you’ll thank us later. And while you’re at it, invest in some canning equipment so that you can make your own canned goods. 

    3. Meat

    Take a look at your grocery store shelves. How barren is the meat counter?

    At the time of writing this article, avian influenza is once again posing challenges for poultry farms all around the US. Because of this, many stores are experiencing major chicken shortages. To make matters worse, lots of consumers are panicking, buying as much chicken as they can now (even at exorbitant prices) before it all disappears. 

    While you don’t have to eat meat in order to survive, it’s a prime source of nutrition and has a spot in most peoples’ freezers. Stock up on meat now – or better yet, start raising your own livestock – to make sure you aren’t left without during a crisis. 

    4. Yeast

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, yeast was hard to find. Why? Bread was flying off the shelves and people started making their own bread as a way to muddle through the lockdowns. 

    While making your own bread is a noble endeavor – and smart, too, since yeast lasts indefinitely while bread lasts only a few days –  you need to stock up on yeast now. Keep a fresh supply on hand at all times.

    5. Other Baking Supplies

    There are plenty of other baking supplies you should have on hand, too, like flour, baking powder, sugar, vinegar, and salt.

    These are items that are next to impossible to produce yourself on your farm, even if you’re extremely talented and can grow and mill your own wheat for flour (good luck making salt!). Because of that, it’s a good idea to stock up on baking supplies now so you can make all of the baked goods, breads, and other bread-related staples your family needs. 

    6. Cooking Oils

    The good news is that, if you’re a mostly self-sufficient homestead, you can make many of your own cooking oils (like butter and lard). However, having extra cooking oil on hand to prepare meat, vegetables, and of course, baked goods is essential. These foods tend to fly off the shelves in an emergency situation – so make sure you’re stocked up now.

    Be sure to check expiration dates regularly, too. Although most cooking oils won’t develop mold when they go bad, they can go rancid – and this can affect the quality of your food. 

    7. Milk and Dairy Products

    These items can be tough to stockpile, but if there is a dry dairy form of whatever product you’re trying to buy (or one that's freezer-friendly), stock up while you can. Powdered milk is a good option and you can often even find powdered buttermilk for sale in the baking section.

    8. Fruit

    Fruit is another food that’s hard to stockpile – unless you buy dehydrated or canned fruit. Don’t be afraid to hit up the prepackaged sections of the grocery store. These bulk foods tend to be cheaper than their fresh counterparts and they’ll also last for several years when stored correctly.

    9. Coffee

    It might not be a necessity, technically. (Or is it? Lots of people might beg to differ with that one!) However, you probably aren’t going to be able to grow and roast your own coffee beans – unless you live in Hawaii, that is. Stock up on coffee now to make sure you aren’t scrambling in a crisis situation. 

    Also, make sure you know how to brew coffee during a power outage.

    10. Pet Food

    Again, this isn’t necessarily a shortage that will impact you directly, but if you have pets, you better make sure you stockpile extra food for them, too. Pet food tends to go to the back burner in a crisis – so while factories might not be focused as intently on producing pet food, people still need to feed their pets. 

    Other Foods That Might Be in Short Supply

    If the 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic (and related supply-chain issues) taught us anything, it’s that being prepared is everything. Stock up on all the foods you can before there are shortages.

    Some common foods that fly off the shelves in an emergency are:

    • Plant-based proteins
    • Pasta
    • Wheat
    • Soybeans
    • Corn
    • Oats

    Stockpile These Foods Now So You’re Prepared

    When you’re preparing for a crisis situation, consider stockpiling some of the foods listed above. 

    And don’t forget – there are plenty of other items you might want to have on hand, just in case. For example, toilet paper and laundry detergent tend to be hot commodities when disaster strikes.

    So, if you’re looking to bulk up your food storage and want to make sure that you have some long-term options for the foods that will disappear first in a crisis, try out these tips. And remember, it’s always important to be prepared for the unexpected.

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