5 EDC Folding Knife Features To Consider
When choosing an EDC knife, you need to consider the size, the blade design, the blade steel, the handle design, and the handle material.
When choosing an EDC knife, you need to consider the size, the blade design, the blade steel, the handle design, and the handle material.
When the SHTF, one of the first things people will do is riot. And as you probably already know, riots are very dangerous. In many cases, they are deadly.
While there are many firearms on the market that are perfectly suited for home defense, there are also some that are absolutely terrible for this purpose.
Few people are truly familiar with the capabilities and limitations of firearms, and this lack of knowledge has given rise to many gun myths.
There are probably a dozen reasons why you should stockpile ammunition, but Van Prepper has narrowed it down to the top 5.
Seniors tend to be common targets for criminals. They are frequently targeted for scams, fraud, and financial abuse. They’re also the victims of burglaries.
One of the biggest parts of surviving an active shooter incident is situational awareness: know where the exits are, know where to take cover, etc.
What’s so great about knives? All they do is cut things, right? I’m going to list 19 ways a knife could come in handy during a disaster.
In this video, VP Prepping and Survival talks about the 4 guns he would want to have (if he could only pick 4) in an SHTF scenario / zombie apocalypse.
In this video, Black Scout Survival offers some pointers on how to choose a survival knife.