8 Signs that Nuclear War is Imminent
As tensions rise among nations, it’s important to be aware of the warning signs that indicate an impending nuclear war.
As tensions rise among nations, it’s important to be aware of the warning signs that indicate an impending nuclear war.
Many preppers like to romanticize an SHTF scenario, but a long-term disaster would be inconvenient in ways you may not have considered.
If you’re going to build a bug out bag, you need to pack it properly so you can carry it farther and access items quickly.
If you have to bug out in an emergency, you can’t count on good weather. You may have to build a fire in the snow. Here’s how to do it.
A bug out vehicle may not be an absolute requirement, but it makes bugging out much easier. Here are some features and models to consider.
These emergency skills will be very valuable during a disaster or a long-term grid-down scenario. Practice them while you still can.
There is a lot of confusion and misinformation about EMPs. Although an EMP attack would be devastating, most of what people fear are myths.
Ammunition begins to degrade the moment it leaves the factory. If you want it to last, then avoid these ammo storage mistakes.
There’s a certain romanticism about living off the land, but it would be almost impossible, especially with other people doing the same.