How to Charge a Cell Phone With Batteries
Imagine your phone is dying and you have no way to charge it. If only you could get the power from some batteries into your phone. Well, you can.
Imagine your phone is dying and you have no way to charge it. If only you could get the power from some batteries into your phone. Well, you can.
I found another video with some easy survival hacks every prepper should know. If you have some extra time this weekend, you should definitely try these.
Recently I did a search on Youtube for “urban survival” and came across a video by SurviveSmart called “Urban Survival Lamp – One Minute Survival Tip.”
Many survival myths either begin with or are perpetuated by unrealistic movies. They make for great entertainment, but they also give people bad ideas.
If a disaster strikes your area suddenly and you find yourself frozen in place, unsure of what to do next, you can use the letters in the word “survival” to help. This is known as “The Survival Acronym” or “The Survival Memory Device.” S – Size up the Situation (surroundings, equipment, physical condition).U – Undue Haste Makes Waste and Use Your Senses.R – Remember Where You Are.V – Vanquish Panic and Fear.I – Improvise.V – Value Life.A – Act like the Natives.L – Live by Your Wits or Learn Basic Skills. S – Size up the Situation. This means you … Read More
What can survivalists learn from a TV show filled with corpses and drama? If that show happens to be “The Walking Dead,” the answer is “plenty.”
When preparing for the worst case scenario, most people focus on storing food, water, medicine, fire starters, and other survival gear. They prepare themselves in every way imaginable, but they never stop long enough to prepare themselves mentally. You might have a year’s supply of food and water along with all kinds of solar powered technology, but if you are not prepared to face the end of the world as we know it, if you are not ready to see the system you’ve always relied upon crumble around you, if you are not strong enough to both witness and endure … Read More
Here are some random urban survival tips. Some of them are tips that didn’t fit in with any of the posts I’ve made so far, but they’re all important.
When you’re in an urban survival situation, there is a rule that will help you prioritize. It’s called the Survival Rule of Threes.