How to Choose a Bug Out Vehicle
A bug out vehicle may not be an absolute requirement, but it makes bugging out much easier. Here are some features and models to consider.
A bug out vehicle may not be an absolute requirement, but it makes bugging out much easier. Here are some features and models to consider.
Bugging out is more complicated than most people realize. It’s crucial to avoid making these common bug out mistakes.
The best bug out guns are not necessarily the same guns you keep at home. You’ll have different needs when you’re on the road.
Bugging out quickly is crucial if you don’t want to get stuck in a massive traffic jam. Here’s how to bug out fast.
If you have a bug out location, think about how you’re going to get there. In case the unexpected happens, plan on having multiple routes.
A bug out trailer (BOT) is nothing more than a trailer that is loaded with supplies and pulled behind a vehicle during an emergency.
Every prepper needs a bug out plan, but mistakes made when bugging out can be lethal or leave you struggling to arrive at your destination.
Here are some unusual ideas for bug out locations and some suggestions on what makes a good place to run to when the SHTF.
There are many reasons why you might be forced to bug out on foot. If that happens, how far could you actually go before collapsing?
To bug out successfully, you’ll need three things: a bug out bag, a bug out vehicle, and a bug out location. In this article, we’ll examine all three.