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    6 Survival Lessons From Horror Movies

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    6 Survival Lessons From Horror Movies

    If you want to learn survival tactics and strategies from movies, it would be a good idea to watch survival-themed films, right? Maybe, but have you considered other genres as well, such as horror films?

    Since Halloween is tomorrow, I thought it'd be fun to share this video by Rogue Preparedness in which she discusses six survival lessons you can learn from horror movies. Here they are…

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    1. First of all, stay in the group. Stop splitting up! It never goes well when characters in horror films try to become the lone wolf. There is a lot of truth to the old saying that there is strength and safety in numbers.

    2. Stop opening the door whenever you hear the slightest noise outside. If you hear strange noises outside, grab a firearm and get ready to defend yourself, and coordinate with others on what to do. Just don’t suddenly open the door and expect things to go well.

    3. Cars break down a lot in horror movies, right? Always keep a well-stocked car with extra fuel, communication devices, and extra survival items. If your car breaks down at night out in the middle of the woods, you’ll be really glad that you took the time to stock up on the essentials.

    4. Always keep a backup weapon on you, whether it’s a firearm or something else. One weapon is better than nothing, but there’s always the chance that you could lose it or it gets knocked out of your hands in a fight. Remember the old saying that two is one and one is none.

    5. Always listen to your kids, because they know what’s up! If they’re alerting you to something that seems off to them, don’t just ignore them. Actually listen to what they have to say. They could alert you to some serious danger.

    6. Stop running upstairs, down dark alleys, or anywhere else that could trap you. Seriously, always stay in areas where you have an escape route. If you go upstairs, how are you going to get out of your house if you have to evacuate quickly?

    I highly recommend watching the video and subscribing to Rogue Preparedness for more survival lessons.

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