Read This Before You Buy a Wood Stove
Considering a wood stove? Learn about the benefits and factors to consider when choosing a wood stove as a heating option.
Considering a wood stove? Learn about the benefits and factors to consider when choosing a wood stove as a heating option.
During a blackout, there are several alternatives to candles. Consider these options to keep your home illuminated and safe.
Learn how to build a bucket Faraday cage. A simple and effective way to protect your electronics from electromagnetic pulses (EMP).
When the power goes out, you’ll need alternative ways to charge your phone. Here are 10 emergency methods to keep your phone charged.
Prepare for coming blackouts by ensuring you have these essential items on hand. From flashlights to non-perishable food and more.
A solid energy source is (literally) power when it comes to the prepper lifestyle. While many of us rely on our own brute strength to get things done, even the human body has its limits. When the SHTF, you’ll need some sort of power to keep things running. While many preppers rely on old-school ways to heat themselves by way of a fire, a fire won’t power an emergency radio. Keeping a steady source of combustible fuel on the farm is important, but you’ll also want to have a supply of rechargeable batteries. For those of us who know what … Read More
Solar generators can be complicated, so if you’re thinking of buying one, first look at this solar generator guide for preppers.
The U.S. power grid is in bad shape, and there are many reasons it could go down for days, weeks, or longer. Here’s how to prepare.
In case there are gas shortages in the future, here are some steps you can take to reduce your consumption of gasoline.
Another blackout is inevitable, so make sure you’re ready when it happens. Here are some things you can do to prepare for a power outage.