50 Tools You Should Own
If you could only have 50 tools for the rest of your life, but you want to be able to build or repair just about anything, which 50 tools would you choose? #urbansurvivalsite #tools #besttools #diy #doityourself
If you could only have 50 tools for the rest of your life, but you want to be able to build or repair just about anything, which 50 tools would you choose? #urbansurvivalsite #tools #besttools #diy #doityourself
Every week, buy one of these items and a day’s worth of food. By the end of the year, you’ll be more prepared than 99% of society.
Recently I came across this video by TheLordHumungus who lists 5 survival supplies that most people would never think to stockpile. Here’s the list.
Of all the disasters that might happen, a nuclear incident is the one I fear most. Although it wouldn’t be easy, it is possible to survive a nuclear war.
This list of 10 things to grab when the SHTF is by The Prepared Wanderer. He shows off the items in his list and explains why he chose them.
An EMP would bring the country to its knees, resulting in utter chaos and countless casualties. Here are 7 things that will improve your chance of survival.
These 33 items could help save your life in a survival scenario, and better yet–they’re small enough to fit in your pocket!
Although prepping can get expensive, it doesn’t cost much to get started. Most of the essential survival items can be gotten for less than ten bucks a pop.
If you’re a new prepper, here’s a list of 30 survival items that will help you and your family survive most temporary disasters for up to two weeks.
If you know how, you can turn ordinary everyday items into survival supplies. Here’s a list of survival items you can find around the house.