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    Top 10 SHTF Communications

    Top 10 SHTF Communications

    In this video. Sensible Prepper talks about the top 10 ways to communicate after the SHTF. This is a very important topic that too many preppers overlook.

    42 Prepper Uses for Ponchos

    42 Prepper Uses for Ponchos

    Ponchos are a great way to stay dry in the rain, but did you know there are also many prepper uses for ponchos? A poncho can be a prepper’s best friend.

    Newest and Best in Survival Technology

    Garmin Oregon

    Must Have Survival Gadgets Whether you’re a die-hard survivalist at heart, someone that enjoys camping in the great outdoors, or just someone that wants to create a survival kit in the event of a disaster, then you’ll want to get in on the action and learn about the latest and greatest gadgets in the survival market. Every day it seems that companies come out with more and more brilliant survival technologies and gadgets that a survivalist just shouldn’t live without. Lighting If you’re lost in the woods after dark, camping out or the power is out, then you’re going to … Read More