30 Auto Repair Parts, Tools, and Skills You’ll Need After SHTF
After the SHTF, you need to have a working vehicle along with the skills and parts to fix your vehicle. Here’s an intro to auto repair.
After the SHTF, you need to have a working vehicle along with the skills and parts to fix your vehicle. Here’s an intro to auto repair.
Even in temporary disasters, cash could become rare or worthless if people are more interested in food and supplies. You’ll need barter items.
In a survival scenario, having the right multi-tool can make all the difference. Check out our list of the top 5 multi-tools to keep handy.
A trash can survival kit is a great thing to have during emergencies. Learn how to make your own and be prepared for unexpected situations.
When disaster strikes and the power goes out, having a portable power source becomes crucial. Here are your best options.
Radio is still one of the most effective means of communication out there. However, you’ll need to know which frequencies to use.
Not all prepper items are essential for survival. In fact, there are some expensive and unnecessary items that you can do without.
Learn how to create a pocket survival kit that can be a life-saver in emergency situations. This guide provides step-by-step instructions.
After a disaster hits your town and you need to start the process of reconstruction, these are the tools and supplies you’ll need.