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    Setting Up Camp With Just 5 Dollar Store Survival Items

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    Setting Up Camp With Just 5 Dollar Store Survival Items

    This video by Corporals Corner shows that if you know what you're doing, you can survive in the wilderness with only a few simple supplies. There are lots of “dollar store survival item” lists out there, but what I love about this video is how he takes the items into the woods and uses them to set up a camp.

    The items he got for $5 each are:

    1. A folding knife.
    2. A couple of lighters.
    3. Jute twine.
    4. Shower curtain liner.
    5. Metal spray bottle.

    Although you can boil water in the metal spray bottle, it's only 10 ounces, so he offers another option: a large plastic bottle and some bleach. Plus, he shows you how to use twine to get just a few drops of bleach into your water.

    Once he goes over all the survival items, he heads outside and sets up a simple shelter with the twine and curtain liner, explaining each step of the process as he goes. He also sets up a tripod from which he can hang the metal bottle in order to boil water. (He's an absolute genius when it comes to knots!).

    If you enjoy shows like Survivorman, you'll like Corporals Corner. He reminds me of Les Stroud. You can watch the full video below.

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