The Truth About MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)
MRE’s are often touted as a great meal option for preppers. And while these meals do present some advantages, the truth is they may not be the best option.
MRE’s are often touted as a great meal option for preppers. And while these meals do present some advantages, the truth is they may not be the best option.
For centuries, pemmican was the ultimate survival food. But is there any reason we would want to eat it today? Yes! And here’s the recipe.
You need calories to live, so if you can find the cheapest emergency foods that also give you the most calories, you’re winning.You need calories to live, so if you can find the cheapest emergency foods that also give you the most calories, you’re winning.
When it comes to emergency preparedness, there is a reason certain survival foods have remained so popular in prepper circles.
In order to survive the Oregon Trail, pioneers relied on foods that meet the most basic requirements: easy to grow, easy to store, and calorically dense. #urbansurvivalsite #pioneers #foodstorage #shtf #survivalfood
Today we’ll look at the #1 most important aspect of civil war survival: sourcing food and water. Something made more difficult by the urban environment. #urbansurvivalsite #civilwar #preparedness #survivalfood #emergencysurvival
A food that is good for vehicle storage needs to have a long shelf-life, have lots of nutrition, and be easy to prepare. Here are 17 foods to consider.
Cattails are an often overlooked survival food. These nutrient-rich wild edibles grow throughout the United States and are easy to find.
These canned foods probably sound weird, but they’re actually very good. If you’re looking to add some variety to your food stockpile, check these out. #urbansurvivalsite #cannedfood #weird #survivalfood #emergencypreparedness
While most survival foods will have a limited shelf-life, there are a few foods that can be safely stored for more than one hundred years.