19 Household Items You Should Start Making Yourself
Whether you’re trying to save money or just want to be more self-sufficient, there are many household items you can make yourself.
Whether you’re trying to save money or just want to be more self-sufficient, there are many household items you can make yourself.
Master survival cooking and be prepared to feed your family in any situation. From fireplaces to solar ovens, learn how to cook off-grid.
Make your own Castile soap with this step-by-step guide and enjoy the benefits of gentle, nourishing, and chemical-free cleansing.
There are many ways to cook during a power outage—solar ovens, campfires, fireplaces, Hobo stoves—but which one is easiest? It depends…
There are many trees you can grow in buckets and other containers as long as you select the right variety and take care of them. Here’s how.
Find out how to store food without a refrigerator. Explore alternative methods of food preservation that people have used for millennia.
Explore these forgotten recipes from the past and learn how our pioneer ancestors cooked with what they had.
Every election brings the potential for political unrest. Prepare now so you can keep yourself and your family safe.
Keep your firearms in top shape with proper gun maintenance. From storage to cleaning, learn how to ensure safety and optimize performance.
Never throw away old hardware again. Learn how to salvage and reuse nuts, bolts, screws, washers, and nails for cost-effective repairs.