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    25 Survival Uses for Coconut Oil

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    25 Survival Uses for Coconut Oil

    Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and nothing in this article should be taken as medical advice. Please talk to your doctor before using any of the herbs and/or remedies mentioned in this article.

    Coconut oil is one of the most popular multipurpose foods in the world. It goes great in countless recipes, it's good for your health, good for your body, good for your skin, good for cleaning, and so much more. But what most people don't know is that coconut oil also has many uses in a survival scenario where supplies are hard to come by.

    If you're prepper, I highly recommend storing at least a few containers of coconut oil. When searching for coconut oil, it's best to stick with virgin or unrefined oil. It has more nutritional qualities and will last longer. My personal favorite is Carrington Farms Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.

    Now let's get to the list. Here are 25 survival uses for coconut oil.

    1. Apply a thin coating of coconut oil to a cut or wound to speed healing and prevent infection. The layer of coconut oil also acts as a bandage of sorts and will keep the wound fairly clean.

    2. In dry heat, warm a bit of coconut oil and gently apply it to the inside of your nose to prevent nosebleeds.

    3. Apply a thin coat of oil to your lips to keep them from getting chapped when you're battling dehydration and working outside in the elements.

    4. Rub coconut oil on burns, including sunburns, for soothing and healing. You can even add a little lavender to make it more effective.

    5. Rub the coconut oil on any bug bites or bee stings for immediate relief of pain and itching.

    6. Prevent athlete's foot by giving your feet a good rubdown with coconut oil every day. It will help protect and soothe your skin after a long day of hiking as well as kill any fungus and bacteria on your feet.

    7. Use a little coconut oil to help condition leather gloves, shoes or knife sheaths. It can also be used to make leatherworking a little easier.

    8. Protect the wooden handles on your knives, axes and saws by rubbing a little coconut oil on them. The oil will help prevent the wood from cracking and splitting.

    9. Remove rust from knife blades and ax heads by applying a coat of coconut oil. Let the oil sit for about an hour and then wipe away.

    10. Deep bruises will heal quicker with regular massaging in of coconut oil. The coconut oil helps heal the damaged tissue.

    11. A little coconut oil can be used to season cast iron skillets that you'll be using to cook over open fires.

    12. Coconut oil can be applied to aching joints that hurt because of overuse or arthritis. If you have some peppermint, add that in for even more relief.

    13. Coconut oil is an excellent carrier oil for essential oils that will be applied to the skin. Homemade salves and balms made from essential oils that have been stockpiled will be the best medicine after a collapse.

    14. Coconut oil can be stored long-term, which means you can use it as a cooking oil substitute. Unlike vegetable oil that goes rancid in a short time, coconut oil will last for years when stored properly.

    15. Post-collapse baking from scratch will be the norm. Using coconut oil in place of butter will be a viable option. It will also be much healthier!

    16. Add a tablespoon of coconut oil to a cup of warm water each morning for a boost of energy. When coffee and soda are not available, this is going to come in handy.

    17. Shaving in a post-collapse world may not be absolutely necessary, but if you want to do so, you can use a little coconut oil instead of shaving cream. It will leave the skin smooth and reduce the risk of irritation and burning from a dry shave.

    18. Make candles with coconut oil. Melt the coconut oil until it is liquid. Place a wick in a clean jar and pour the melted coconut oil into the jar, making sure the wick stays up. Allow the oil to cool and harden.

    19. Use a coconut oil salve on skin rashes and eczema. It will soothe the itching and redness and promote healing.

    20. A tablespoon of coconut oil taken internally for several days can help you get rid of a nasty tapeworm.

    21. If you feel a cold coming on or the flu virus is present, take several tablespoons of coconut oil throughout the day in a hot cup of water or tea. The coconut oil helps kill the virus while boosting your immune system.

    22. Relieve constipation with a couple tablespoons of coconut oil.

    23. Cooking oil is also a safe cooking and flavoring substitute in meals for diabetics.

    24. Warm coconut oil and apply it to the scalp and hair to kill head lice. With poor sanitation and hygiene, head lice after a disaster will be very common. Add a little tea tree oil to the coconut oil for even more killing power without hurting the scalp.

    25. Use a little coconut oil to cure pink eye. Adding a little coconut oil to a cotton ball and rubbing across closed eyes will help clear up the pink eye. Making a warm compress with the coconut oil will help decrease the swelling and speed healing.

    Of course, coconut oil isn't just good for survival scenarios. There are countless other uses including: preventing heart disease, treating inflammation, and much more. Every home should have a jar of coconut oil in the cupboard.

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