If you could only have 50 tools for the rest of your life, but you want to be able to build or repair just about anything, which 50 tools would you choose? In this series of videos, Wranglerstar answers that question.
I really enjoyed this video series and wanted to share it, so below you can watch all five videos. I also listed the tools he mentions in the videos, but you'll have to watch the videos to learn what the tools do and why he picked them.
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A couple things I need to point out: The list is in no particular order, and he miscounts a few times so it's not exactly 50, but almost. Also, if you want links to the tools he mentions (so you can get the right type or brand), simply click on a video title in one of the first three video players below and it will take you to the video on Youtube. From there, look at the video description and you'll see the links.
Now on to the list…
1. Sledgehammer
2. Sidecutters
3. Chalk Box
4. Putty Knife
5. Screwdriver
6. Jig Saw
7. Vice Grips
8. Drill Bits
9. Crescent Wrench
10. Pliers
11. Mattocks
12. Rope
13. Pipe Wrench
14. Needle Nose Pliers
15. Hacksaw
16. Tape Measure
17/18. (?) Cordless Drill
19. Tin Snips
20. Punch Set
21. Extension Cords
22. Skillsaw
23. Level
24. Crowbar & Wonderbar
25. Volt Meter
26. Utility Knife
27. Allen Wrench Set
28. Channel Locks
29. Estwing Hammer
30. Forestry Shovel
31. Rake
32. Box End Wrenches
33. Folding Saw
34. Estwing Claw Hammer
35. Ball Peen Hammer
36. File
37. Socket Set
38. Flex Handle
39. Jack
40. Extension ladder
41. Battery Charger / Jumper Cables
42. Angle Grinder
43. Combination Square
44. Chisels
45. Tool Belt
46. Ladder
47. Chains
48. Tool Boxes
49. Bench Vise
50. Table Saw / Shop Vac