When preppers start looking for a good bug out location, the main feature they care about is “not in the city.” But what about other features? You don't want to go just anywhere after the SHTF. You want a location that is safe and well hidden, among other things.
That is the subject of this video by Black Scout Survival. Here are his tips for choosing a bug out location.
1. Security – How defendable is the location? Are there roadblocks to stop intruders? Are there exit routes?
2. Camouflage – It needs to be a building that isn't easily seen from the road. Something deep in the woods that blends into the background. Consider planting trees or adding cammo netting.
3. Water – Is there a natural source of water nearby? Or a way to catch rainwater?
4. Hygiene – Is there a way to keep clean? Are there showers?
5. Shelter for all Seasons – Will it keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer?
Watch the video below to hear his thoughts on these bug out location features.