What to Do if North Korea Fires a Nuke Toward Your City
North Korea continues to make threats against Japan, South Korea, and the United States. What should we do if they attack?
North Korea continues to make threats against Japan, South Korea, and the United States. What should we do if they attack?
How would you respond if a disaster occurred while you were away on a trip, and what can you do to prepare for that scenario? Here are a few tips…
Although you can’t predict when the next big earthquake will hit, you can prepare to live through it. Here are some tips for surviving an earthquake.
Experts predict an EMP strike that wipes out electricity across the nation would ultimately lead to the demise of 90% of the population.
Even those who have spent their whole lives preparing for disaster are prone to mistakes. And once you make them, there’s no going back.
Once you realize an EMP attack has occurred, you must take action immediately to ascertain the severity of the situation and make life-saving decisions.
Even if you’re hardcore prepper with tons of supplies, there are still certain things you’ll want to do when a disaster is imminent.
Of all the disasters that might happen, a nuclear incident is the one I fear most. Although it wouldn’t be easy, it is possible to survive a nuclear war.
Nowhere in the United States is going to be truly safe from a disaster on a grand scale. However, some states will certainly be less safe than others.
As the world becomes increasingly unstable, the chance of martial law happening in your town becomes more and more likely.