15 Fuel Storage Safety Tips You Need to Know
Too many preppers stockpile batteries, propane, and gasoline in ways that not only reduce their shelf life, but also pose major safety hazards.
Too many preppers stockpile batteries, propane, and gasoline in ways that not only reduce their shelf life, but also pose major safety hazards.
This is really cool. Bugout Channel made a video tutorial explaining how to make a portable phone charger with just a few things. Watch it here.
If you’re living through a long-term disaster, odds are the power is out and gasoline is scarce, which means most of your power tools are useless.
Hypothermia claims the lives of over 1,000 people in the U.S. every year. This is why you need to be prepared to keep warm without relying on your furnace. #urbansurvivalsite #wintersurvival #blackout #winter #survival
The off-grid transition doesn’t have to be abrupt. There are adjustments you can make now that will get the process started and teach you new life skills.
Imagine your phone is dying and you have no way to charge it. If only you could get the power from some batteries into your phone. Well, you can.
During a widespread disaster you might have to do all sorts of things that will make you hot and sweaty, so here are 20 ways to stay cool without power.
If you’re at all interested in setting up a solar power system, then I have the ultimate video series for you. It was created by Tin Hat Ranch.
During a power outage, most people use flashlights and candles, but there are other options. Here are 11 ways to light your home when the power goes out.
This guy has an ingenious setup where he can easily heat up water without using any electricity. Watch the video to learn how.