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    10 Reasons You Won’t Survive What’s Coming

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    10 Reasons You Won't Survive What's Coming

    How prepared are you to survive a world-changing disaster? As Canadian Prepper explains in this video, you may not be as prepared as you think you are. He lists ten reasons you may not survive what’s coming. Here they are:

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    1. Poor Physical Health

    A majority of people are simply not physically fit in this day and age. This is also one of the most overlooked aspects of prepping. Few things will test your physical health and stamina as much as a major cataclysmic disaster.

    2. Bad Medical Issues

    If there are any medical procedures that you have been postponing, the time to get those things done is now. Whether it’s an eye problem, surgery, or dental work, if things get bad you may not have another chance to get those things fixed.

    3. Poor Sanitation Plan

    In a serious grid-down disaster, utilities such as running water will no longer exist. The trash will not be picked up around your city, causing dangerous health. You need a plan to manage your waste and dispose of it in a sanitary way so it will not contaminate your food or water sources.

    4. Lack Of Community Knowledge

    Have an awareness of who is who, and who would be helpful or dangerous in your neighborhood and the general community. Remember, you cannot survive a long term grid down situation on your own.

    5. Not Having Enough Food

    Most people have around one week’s worth of food stored away. At the bare minimum, you’re going to need at least three months’ worth of food, but having six months to one year would be even better.

    6. No Water Source

    It’s not enough to have a storage of water. After all, a fifty-five-gallon drum of water would only be enough to last one person for two months at the most. You need to have a water source in case your water storage runs out.

    7. Poor Security Plan

    The average home is incredibly easy to break into. At the bare minimum, you need to replace your glass windows with more durable acrylic glass, and you should also replace your doors and locks with heavy-duty alternatives. Also, invest in an alarm system so you can detect threats arriving at your property in the first place.

    8. Financial Issues

    You will be more vulnerable to an economic crisis if you are in a poor financial position. At the bare minimum, you need enough savings to get you through at least six months.

    9. Lacking An Off-Grid Power Supply

    In a long time power outage, chances are good you will need to give up some luxuries – unless if you have a power supply available yourself. Invest in an extra power supply such as solar panels.

    10. No Source Of Heat

    This is especially important if you live in a colder environment. Invest in warm blankets, sleeping bags, heat pads, gloves, warm clothes, candles, a wood stove with plenty of firewood.

    For a more detailed discussion of the reasons you might not survive a major disaster, along with what to do about them, watch the video by Canadian Prepper below.

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