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    What Will You Eat After The Economy Collapses?

    Hamburgers and Hotdogs

    My wife was living on the coast of Mississippi when hurricane Katrina struck. I’ll get into the details of her experience in another post, but for now I want to talk about what they ate in the days after the hurricane passed. They were without power for two weeks, but fortunately her father had a generator so they were able to keep the refrigerator and the microwave going. But since there was a limited amount of fuel, they had to start grilling the food in the freezer before it went bad. Over the next several days they ate steaks, hot … Read More

    Surviving Doomsday Review

    Surviving Doomsday Book

    Are you really prepared to survive anything? Most preppers would have no trouble getting through a simple hurricane and a few days without power. But what about a few weeks without power? Or a few months? What if gangs of looters are going from house to house, taking whatever they want? What if your home has been flattened and you are forced to bug out of the city? Author Richard Duarte asks these questions along with many other tough questions in his book, Surviving Doomsday: A Guide for Surviving an Urban Disaster. He also provides the answers. Richard’s home was … Read More

    Prepping for Small Children

    Prepping for Small Children

    We can never be certain when the next major disaster will strike, but one thing we can be certain of: disasters do not strike when it’s convenient for us. As a parent, I wish I had the power to make sure there isn’t ever a disaster that disrupts my children’s lives, at least not until they’re old enough to handle themselves. But that’s not how it works. I need to do everything I can to make sure I’ll be able to take care of them if a disaster strikes while they’re still young. That means I’ve had to acquire many … Read More

    Keep Your Precious Metals Safe

    Keep Your Precious Metals Safe

    Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

    Keep Your Precious Metals Safe

    If you already have precious metals or are considering getting them, you need to find a way to keep them safe from thieves. There are several options. But before I get into them, I want to emphasize something.

    If you own gold or silver, you should only tell one other person about it. This should be someone you trust completely. Don’t tell your friends, your coworkers, your family, or even your children. It’s not that any of them would steal from you. The problem is that people talk. And if lots of people know you have precious metals, a criminal might find out in passing. Pick one person, tell them the location, the combination if applicable, and include them on the safety deposit box registration if you have one. This is so they can get to it in case you die or are incapacitated. Now on to the hiding spots.

    In A Home Safe. This is the most obvious choice. But if you get a safe, you might want to get it bolted or cemented to the ground. Safes are heavy, but that won’t stop a crook from using a dolly to wheel it out of your house and figure out how to open it later. You should also make sure it’s waterproof and fireproof. I recommend one with a combination lock since safes with key locks are easier to bust open. Also, keys can be lost or stolen. Just make sure you don’t forget the combination.

    You could also get a decoy safe. The idea is to get a safe, put just a few coins, a little bit of cash, some fake jewelry, copies of important documents, etc. inside, and place it somewhere easy to find like in your bedroom closet. When a thief finds it, he’ll think he hit the jackpot, then he’ll take the decoy safe and leave. What he won’t know is that you have another, smaller, well-hidden safe with the real goods inside. Put that one somewhere deep in the garage, basement or attic behind some random junk.

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    Ragnar’s Urban Survival

    Ragnar's Urban Survival

    I just recently finished reading Ragnar’s Urban Survival: A Hard-Times Guide to Staying Alive in the City. This book is a good starting point for people who intend to stick it out where they are if disaster strikes. Ragnar touches on all the basic topics you will need to know in order to survive in the city, and shares some practical things you can do to start preparing. Here’s a preview of what’s in this book. Chapter 1: Basic Survival Philosophy. One of the more memorable lessons from this chapter is the Rule of Threes. For example, you should have … Read More